Turns out I missed a few of the Pod Racers yesterday, so guess I'll come back to complete the set, but I think I've got all of the pilots today (except Anakin and Sebulba). So today I've added Boles Roor (Sneevel Pod Racer / Glimmik Performer), Ben Quadinaros (Toong Pod Racer), Dud Bolt (Vulptereen Pod Racer / Hitman), Ody Mandrell (Erkit Pod Racer), Gasgano (Xexto Pod Racer), Clegg Holdfast (Nosaurian Pod Racer / Journalist), & Teemto Pagalies (Veknoid Pod Racer) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
Plus here's a meme which amuses me a bunch that Kylo Ren was originally named after Ben Quadinaros rather than Ben Kenobi because Han was a big Pod Racing fan.