Continuing through Star Wars: Episode One: The Phantom Menace, and I thought I'd cover most of the droids today, but couldn't resist adding Diva Funquita the most 70's and just darn groovy character name I've ever seen. So today I've added Diva Funquita (Theelin Personal Aide to Gardulla the Hutt), R2-A6 (Ric Olies R2 series astromech droid), R2-M5 (R2 series astromech droid), R2-C4 (R2 series astromech droid), R2-B1 (R2 Astromech Droid), R2-N3 (R2 series astromech droid), R2-R9 (R2 series astromech droid), TC-3 (TC-series protocol droid), TC-4 (TC-series protocol droid), & TC-14 (TC-series protocol droid) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.