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16/January/2022 Posted by Freddy

Revenge of the Sith

        So I've put up my review of Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, which means for the next month I'll probably be covering every little detail of this movie, although maybe because of the intensive coverage given to it back in 2005, and the detailed characters from Attack of the Clones it won't take so long. Back tomorrow with the first batch.

Comments made about this Article!

16/Jan/2022 21:14:51 Posted by GMOverkill

I'm giddy with anticipation and can't wait for what goodies you will bring us. :)
Friendly greetings,

18/Jan/2022 09:27:04 Posted by Hellstormer1

Even after all this time I still have mixed feelings about the Prequel trilogy. BUT, the Clone Wars series did add a LOT of great material to flesh out that era and made it worth while, and those movies did have some cool stuff worth looking into.

19/Jan/2022 13:19:23 Posted by asikari

Stomaching the prequels requires a different point of view - Lucas did a wonderful job of laying out the political machinations Palpatine initiated and controlled to reach his goal as Emperor. Everything else is just... ...well... ....

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