Well, it's been too long since I did an update, and most updates lately have been crossovers from other universes. So I went searching through my saved images for actual "Star Wars" art, renders and kitbashes I've not used before and put a bunch to one side.
I'd intended to do more than this lot, but I've been overwhelmed with actual real "work", so I decided to upload these 8, and if I get around to doing the others I'd put aside for doing (for tuesday originally, and now it's already thursday) I'll upload them then.
Anyway, today I've added Trade Federation F Series Battle Droid, Commerce Guild Heavy Assault Droid, to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section of the Site, and Kuat Drive Yards Modified Strike-class Medium Cruiser, Incom/Subpro V Series Aggressive ReConnaissance-180 Starfighter, Slayn and Korpil V-170 Starfighter, Kuat Systems Engineering Delta-Eta Hybrid Starfighter, Corellian Eta-2 Actis Variant, Incom/Subpro Aggressive ReConnaissance-119 Starfighter to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.