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Ginntho (Utapaun Giant Spider)

Ginntho (Utapaun Giant Spider)

Yipsit (Resistance Technician)

Yipsit (Resistance Technician)
Ishi Tib

Ishi Tib View Update

15/April/2010 Posted by Freddy

        Wow, a month since I last posted an update, guess I'd better make this one good to make up. Well, I think I can pretty much guarantee that, by adding Mon Calamari MC30b Interdiction Frigate, KDY Dominator-class Star Destroyer and Muunilist Shipyards Defense Platform to the Star Wars D/6 Starships section of the site, all contributions by Weston, a long term friend of the site. Absolutely lovely work.
        And . . .
        I'm also adding Cybot Galactica 4PZ Human-Cyborg Relations Droid, Arakyd AD2B weapons maintenance droid and Arakyd Mirage Z3 Probes to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment section of the site, and Modified Corellian Engineering Corporation YZ-785 to the Star Wars D/6 Starships section, all contributions from Steven J Wichmann, fantastic stuff.
        Many, many thanks to the both of these great guys for their contributions.

        I'd also like to say a public thank you to Hellstormer for all the great work he's been doing on the site lately. I knew when I asked him to be co-administrator that he was good, but have to say that I stand in absolute awe of the brilliant work he's been posting during the past few weeks. (he's also been demonstrating what an all round nice guy he is by replying to discussions in the comments sections of his stats and updating them based on peoples suggestions (where I just get all sarky and mean)).

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