Well, Jason Dickerson has contributed another bunch of his great stats, they are brilliantly detailed with the equipment, weapons and vehicles details for each character, absolutely love them. Today we've added, Wade Cadera (Mandalorian Bodyguard), Vatok Fett (Mandalorian Bodyguard), Ghez Tayhaai (Mandalorian Bodyguard), Janx Hokan (Mandalorian Bodyguard), Cyrus Ordo (Mandalorian Bounty Hunter), Darth Krayt Sith Trooper, Mandalorian Supercommandos, Hado Gunwalker (Human Black Sun Leader) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters section of the site.
Also added are a couple more of my Warhammer 40k conversions Imperium of Man Adeptus Astartes (Space Marine) added to the Star Wars D/6 Characters section, and Imperium of Man Bolt Gun (Bolter) added to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment section. These took a bit longer than I thought they would as I've gone into a bit more detail than I normally do (although not as much as Hellstormer puts into his awe inspiring creations). I had intended to do the Space Marine Powered Armour, but that has turned into 9 sets of armour (the eight Power Armour versions, plus Terminator Armour). I'll try to get them finished along with some other Space Marine weapons before I move onto Imperium of Man vehicles.