A bunch of additions to the site based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 1 Episode 9: Gathering Forces. Today I've added, Imperial Stormtrooper to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/ln space superiority starfighter to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, Imperial Department of Military Research Stormtrooper armor to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section, BlasTech Industries E-11 Stormtrooper blaster rifle to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section, and Taming beasts to the Star Wars D/6 The Force Section of the Site.
Apart from Taming Beasts, all of these stats were already covered in the Star Wars Rulebook. However, I required each of these for another project, and the printed ones were somewhat out of date, so I took the opportunity to update them. Some are only a single die code up or down, but some are more radical, such as the Stormtrooper blaster rifle was wrongly identified as being made by Sorosuub in the rulebook instead of Blastech.