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Comments made about this Article!

06/Feb/2009 17:01:33 Posted by Hellstormer1 {}

Oh yeah, also, my main point on posting this entire article was teh Autofire rules, and so far no one has put it down, so I guess I made the major point...rapid fire weapons rock! Hey, to anyone who sees this, what if we simply made the damages according to weapon types, like the blasters? Like, light pistols do this, medium pistols that, heavy pistols do more, same for assault rifles, with carbines and smgs being something balanced between damage and range, and then stepping it up with the bigger guns???? Ideas???? Comments????

19/Mar/2009 19:33:18 Posted by Hellstormer {}

P.S.!- BTW, for anyone out there who has access to other D6 products that have firearms rules in them. I understand if you don't like this set-up, I really do. These rules were improvised for em and my group because we never could get a hold of anything else beyond D6 Star Wars and a couple other things here and there. By the time we found out how extensive the more recent D6 RPG books were, it was too late for us to save money and order them. The website already stated that the game was out of print yet again, much to our chagrin. If anyone out there knows where we could get them, please leave commenst here and let us know!!!

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