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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: EQUIPMENTEra: Canon:


Cost: 50 credits per month, per person
Weight: 1 crew/passenger = 1 metric ton per month, per person


   Ship owners modifying their ships to add or remove Crew/Passenger space also need to take consumables into account.  If they don't, adding crew/passengers makes the available consumables last not as long, and removing crew/passengers makes them last longer (which may need some math to figure out).  This option allows ship owners to add or remove consumables space to go along with adding/removing crew/passenger space.

   This could also be used to expand a ship's available consumables, which would also extend its operational time before needing resupply.  For example, New Republic capital ships were designed with much less consumables than their Imperial and Old Republic counterparts, due to NR officials being afraid someone might get the idea to steal these ships and switch sides (which the Rebel Alliance did often with Imperial ships).  If they have enough cargo space, this could be countered with this simple modification to allow the ships more consumable space.

   On the other hand, ship owners may wish to reduce consumables to free up cargo space.  This would be handy for freighters that stay in local areas of travel and commerce, like near a planet to within an easily traveled space sector with relatively close worlds and systems.

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