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Mrs. Ikk (Ithorian Civilian)

Mrs. Ikk (Ithorian Civilian)
Djovi Resmia (Human Jedi Youngling)

Djovi Resmia (Human Jedi Youngling)
Kuat-Entralla Drive Yards First Order All Terrain Armored Transport

Kuat-Entralla Drive Yards First Order All Terrain Armored Transport
Ubrikkian Industries Floater-935 Repuslorcraft

Ubrikkian Industries Floater-935 Repuslorcraft

Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: ARMOUREra: New RepublicCanon: No

Akira Softshell Armour

Based partialy off Stromtrooper Armour, the Akira SoftShell is a durable
lightweight armour with flexible joints. the armour consists of shell
like peices that fit over a themral controled body glove. The peices are
shaped and fitted togetehr differently than stormtrooper armour and
provide protection at the joints but lfixbility as well. The SoftShell
armour can come in any colour and is very rounded and smooth. It's
helemet covers everything but the nose and mouth. A thin gorizontal
visor covers the eyes and has a thin protrussion of the helmet's material
to shade the visor from exceess sunlight. The visor has lgiht enhancement
and other visual scrubebrs and a military grade comlink is built into it
near the mouth.

Model: Akira Armor Company SoftShell
Type: Specialized Infantry Armor
Scale: Character
Cost: 4,500 credits
Availability: 2, R or X
Game Notes: +2D physical +1D energy
    Comlink Helmet:
    The comlink system itself is a small unit that fits inside the helmet. Effective range of up to a kilometer.
    Capable of standard light amplification (no penalty for
    darkness, smoke, etc), infrared (views via heat signatures) and
    magnification (standard macrobinoculars).

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