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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: Post EmpireCanon: Yes

Model: D-93 Incinerator flamethrower
Type: Flamethrower
Scale: Character
Skill: Flamethrower
Ammo: 50
Cost: 3500 credits
Availability: 3, X
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 3-10/30/75
Damage: 5D+4 first round, 3D each round for the next five, unless extinguished

Description: The D-93 Incinerator flamethrower was the standard-issue flamethrower kit utilized by flametroopers of the First Order, primarily designed to turn any battlefield into a blazing inferno. The D-93's source of fuel was the highly flammable gel known as conflagrine-14, which was stored within twin outer fuel tanks that would be attached to the trooper's back. The tank was equip with a propellant pressure indicator for a small central pressurized tank housing the propellant gas that could launch the flame up to a distance of 75 meters; or as long as local wind conditions would allow. Connecting the tank to the double-barreled D-93w flame projector gun was a double-chambered reinforced hose. Upon the press of the trigger, a piezoelectrical ignition system would ignite the conflagrine-14 gel at the barrelhead of the D-93w flame projector gun, from where a mixing of the propellant gas would allow the user to fire the weapon.

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