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Kuat Drive Yards Imperial I-class Star Destroyer

Kuat Drive Yards Imperial I-class Star Destroyer

Denid (rightful King of Velmor)

Denid (rightful King of Velmor)


Section of Site: Races D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Player Character RacesEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Moogan
Attribute Dice: 12D

Dex: 2D/4D+1
Know: 2D/4D
Mech: 2D/4D
Perc: 2D/4D
Str: 2D/3D+2
Tech: 2D/4D

Special Abilities:
        Thin Bodies: Moogans have very thin slight bodies, and require 50% less food to sustain. When gathering food using Survival, it drops the difficulty of the Survival roll by one level.

Story Factors:
         Inherent Greed: Moogans were not against committing bribery, poisoning, and other crimes to achieve their goals due to their inherent greed.

Skin Colour: Green
Distinctions: Tall, thin bodies
Move: 10/12
Size: 2 meters tall

Description: Moogans were a sentient humanoid species native to the planet Mooga, located in the Perkell sector. They were on average taller than Humans. Members of the species had hands and feet with four digits each, as well as green skin. Some Moogans had a proclivity for wearing headdresses, tunics and sandals.

A group of Moogans led by the smuggler Tee Va arrived on the planet Mandalore during the Clone Wars to distribute bottled tea with a chemical introduced on-planet. That substance diluted the tea and thus increased the Moogans' profits. However, the mixture, when introduced to the populace, poisoned some of the children in the New Mandalorian capital of Sundari. The Moogans' plans were thwarted by an investigation headed by the Duchess of Mandalore, Satine Kryze, and visiting Republic Senator Padmé Amidala; the smugglers were subsequently arrested.

Moogans were tall, thin, bipedal humanoids. Typically green in color, the species exhibited dark-green mottling on their faces and limbs. Their faces were slender, with pronounced cheek bones and accentuated brows. They possessed long necks, four-fingered hands, four-toed feet, and sharpened teeth.

Some members of the Moogan species wore headdresses, tunics, and sandals, particularly those of smuggler Tee Va's group. Moogans were not against committing bribery, poisoning, and other crimes to achieve their goals due to their inherent greed. They were capable of learning to speak Galactic Basic Standard. Tee Va's smuggling crew preferred blasters as a form of self-defense and hired Gotals to serve them on missions. The group transported their cargoes in a giant, ovoid Shekelesh-class freight gunship, which was capable of walking on mechanical legs upon reaching a surface.

The Moogans hailed from the planet Mooga, in the Mooga system of the Perkell sector, located along the northeastern border of the Mid Rim. Mooga, while not positioned far from the Perlemian Trade Route, was largely ignored by the blossoming Galactic Republic until some point between 5000 BBY and 4000 BBY. Around 3956 BBY, the planet was in Sith territory controlled by Darth Revan. As the centuries progressed up to the Ruusan campaign, Mooga continued its existence on the borders of Sith space and unaligned territory.

By the time of the Clone Wars, their planet fell under the control of the Commerce Guild and became integrated into Separatist space. Officials from the planet Mandalore, which had its supply lines cut due to its neutral stance against the war, began communicating with the Moogans in order to smuggle products to the surface and establish a black market. The smuggling ring was identified and decimated by Mandalorian Guard, led by the Duchess of Mandalore, Satine Kryze, and a visiting Republic senator, Padmé Amidala. The criminal operation was ultimately linked to Almec, the Prime Minister of the New Mandalorians.

After the fall of the Republic, Moogan space was surrounded by worlds under the control of the Galactic Empire and remained so for the duration of the Empire's presence in those territories. By 4 ABY, the Empire had fractured into several rival territories. The Greater Maldrood was one of the outlying regions; it incorporated space surrounding Mooga and held it until the territory's fragmentation between 9 ABY and 12 ABY, after which, Mooga's region was considered to lay within the Borderland Regions. The Perkell sector existed for several years, split between Imperial and New Republic interests until the Yuuzhan Vong War, during which many worlds surrounding Mooga were attacked and conquered by the invading Yuuzhan Vong. The space surrounding the Mooga system again fell under Sith control by 137 ABY, with the rise of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire.

Around 21 BBY, smugglers led by the Moogan Tee Va and assisted by Gotals came to the New Mandalorian capital city, Sundari, where they distributed bottled tea diluted with a hazardous chemical, slabin; the resulting admixture thus doubled their profits. All the while, the smugglers paid off the on-planet customs officials to distribute the product and overlook the illicit operation. The mixture ended up in the hands of countless Sundari schoolchildren, who became sick and were hospitalized across the city and the planet.

The Moogans returned a few days later with another shipment of tea and once again bribed customs with Republic credit ingots. Two Mandalorian police officers were used as guards for the dock warehouse in which the Moogans mixed the slabin with the tea. When the Moogans were discovered by Duchess Satine Kryze and Senator Padmé Amidala, Tee Va and his crew took up arms against the accompanying Mandalorian Guard forces and Mandalorian Royal Guard. The Moogans and their Gotal counterparts took down a police captain and two Royal Guards. However, the victory was short-lived, as Amidala and the remaining Royal Guard pushed forward a shipping container and closed in on the smugglers' position, killing one Moogan crew member and a few Gotals. The surviving smugglers and assisting Mandalorians were arrested, and the smuggled products were subsequently destroyed with flamethrowers by the order of Satine.

Sometime during the Clone Wars but after the corruption on Mandalore had abated, Moogans were present on the planet Zygerria, during its time as a slave world. One Moogan walked by a disguised Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, who were on their way to infiltrate the government. Another Moogan conversed with a Zygerrian trader in the same alley. Later, during the Zygerrian slave trade auction, a Moogan stood by a monitor and exclaimed when Obi-Wan Kenobi was revealed as a new potential slave.

Some months later, c. 20 BBY, Tee Va and his Moogan shipmates were once again transporting materials to and from Mandalore.

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