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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: HuttSubtype: PlacesEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Zee-Nine City Seven
Location: Hutt Space

Description: Zee-Nine City Seven, situated deep within Hutt Space, was a droid-run settlement that served as a pirate repair center and data hub. Attempting to locate the carbonite-frozen body of the smuggler Han Solo, the Sith Lord Darth Vader, accompanied by the Sith assassin Ochi and guided by the Hutt Bokku, tracked the Droid Crush Pirates of Bestoon to the city. Upon arriving at Zee-Nine City Seven, Vader and Ochi found the Droid Crush in the employ of the assassin droid IG-88, who had in turn been hired by Administrator Sly Moore to kill Vader.

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