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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: SithSubtype: PlanetsEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Toprawa
Region: Outer Rim Territories
Sector: Kalamith sector
System: Toprawa system
Grid square: P-5
Trade routes: Hydian Way
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Climate: Temperate
Terrain: Forests
Points of interest: Ansharii Caverns, Foothill, Imperial Research Station, Mountain Home, Toprawa Relay Station
Other species: Human
Primary language(s): Galactic Basic Standard
Demonym: Toprawan
Major cities: Big Woolly, Salik City, Toprawa City
Affiliation: Galactic Republic, Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, Darth Revan's Sith Empire, Sith Empire, Confederacy of Independent Systems, Galactic Empire

Description: Toprawa was a remote, forested planet in the Toprawa system of the Kalamith sector in the Bright Jewel Oversector, located in the Outer Rim Territories near the Hydian Way.

During the Great Sith War, Toprawa was the site of a battle between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire led by Exar Kun.

At the time of the Cold War between the Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, an experiment went terribly wrong and destroyed an entire laboratory complex situated on Toprawa.

During the Clone Wars, the planet was located within Separatist space.

Toprawa was also known for its community of Antarian Rangers. In 19 BBY Antarian Ranger Aren Folee was based on world, and it was also the homeworld of Antarian Ranger turned Wraith Squadron pilot Tyria Sarkin Tainer.

Early in the Galactic Civil War, Toprawa was the site of a secret Rebel Alliance outpost for transferring information from their network of spies to the Alliance High Command.

It was on this planet that the Death Star superlaser was developed, the plans for which were subsequently stolen by Havet Storm and the Rebel Alliance. There were also plans about the Station's hull design, and life support infrastructure. Among many others Commander Bria Tharen and Rebel cell leader Vermilion gave their lives to secure the plans for Leia Organa. The Rebel group used the Imperial-controlled Toprawa Relay Station to transmit the plans to the Princess aboard the CR90 corvette Tantive IV.

The planet was then punished by the Galactic Empire: Cities were destroyed, and entire planetary regions thrust into poverty. Many among its population were made to prostrate themselves to the Empire for aid. By 9 ABY, it still had not been captured by the New Republic.

Places of Interest
Ansharii Caverns
The Ansharii Caverns were a series of caves located on the planet Toprawa. After a battle during the Great Sith War, a group of Jedi led by Barrison Draay were killed by an explosion in the caverns orchestrated by failed Padawan Haazen and Dossa, a Nautolan Sith Minion and bounty hunter.

Foothill was an underground cavern on the planet Toprawa that was used as a base by the Antarian Rangers and other Toprawan rebels during the early years of the Galactic Empire. The base was connected to the resistance facility Mountain Home via a series of subterranean tunnels.

Imperial Research Station
The Imperial Research Station was an Imperial facility on Toprawa. Amongst its facilities were laboratories, apartments, a reception building, a landing pad, and a communications center.

The Head of Research was Druth Anamor, and his daughter Facet Anamor was the Executive Personnel Officer. The base was used to develop the control systems for the superlaser of the Death Star.

During the Battle of Toprawa, Rebels captured the communications center and used it to broadcast the Death Star plans they had stolen to the Tantive IV in space.

Mountain Home
Mountain Home was an underground facility on the planet Toprawa that was used as a base of operations by the Antarian Rangers and other Toprawan rebels during the early years of the Galactic Empire. Mountain Home housed the rebels hangar bay facilities and the base was connected to the resistance outpost Foothill via a series of subterranean tunnels.

Toprawa Relay Station
The Toprawa Relay Station was an Imperial-run communications center located on the restricted planet of Toprawa.

It was here that a contingent of Rebels transmitted the technical plans for the first Death Star to Princess Leia aboard the Corellian corvette Tantive IV. These Rebels, consisting of Red Hand Squadron under the leadership of Bria Tharen, held out at the station against Imperial counterattacks until finally being overrun; in the process, the relay station was almost completely destroyed. Those who were not killed in the fighting committed suicide so as not to betray their true mission.

Big Woolly
Big Woolly was a township that was located in the northern reaches of a landmass on the planet Toprawa, and the name of the settlement was a reference to a nearby mountain that was covered in conifers, giving it a fleece-like appearance. In about 18 BBY, the Jedi Knight Jax Pavan and several members of the Whiplash resistance group traveled to Big Woolly, and Pavan and the Gray Paladin Laranth Tarak ventured out in the town to the cantina Mossy Glen Inn, to rendezvous with the Antarian Ranger Aren Folee.

Salik City
Salik City was a city on Toprawa and the capital of its western regions.

Toprawa City
Toprawa City was the main city on the planet Toprawa. Amongst its locations were Al The Alchemist's cantina, a spaceport, and the Imperial Research Station on its outskirts.

During the Battle of Toprawa, destroyed ships falling from the sky dealt damage to the city.

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