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  • Houjix (Quadrupedal Cephalopods)
  • Willi (Human Civilian)
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  • Jemboc (Human Prisoner)
  • Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/sa Bomber (squadrons)
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"They don't have long. No one is coming to help them. And you are the one who led them here. Strike me down. Take the throne. Reign over a new empire, and the fleet will be yours. Only you have the power to save them. Refuse, and your new family dies.": Emperor Palpatine: Star Wars, Rise of Skywalker


22/October/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And based on Knights of the Old Republic 46: Destroyer, Part 2, today I've added Volgax to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section, & Ralthar Sitan {Snout} (Caamasi History Student/Slave Warrior) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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21/October/2024 Posted by Freddy

        So we're on to Knights of the Old Republic 46: Destroyer, Part 2, where revelations are made taking us towards the conclusion of the comic series, and the group falls apart because of these, driving them in different directions.


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20/October/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And today, from Knights of the Old Republic 45: Destroyer, Part 1 I've added Dashade to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section of the Site.


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19/October/2024 Posted by Freddy

        No updates the last few days due to a catastrophic week for me, which began with a stomach bug, and ended with me spending 4 hours at the Accident and Emergency department of the local hospital after my son cut his hand open on some broken glass. And the fact he did it late at night, so I got home just before dawn, meant I've been good for nothing.
        Anyway, back to Kotor with Knights of the Old Republic 45: Destroyer, Part 1, where Zayne sneaks into a Crucible slaver camp, but is caught and has Jarael's true name revealed to him.


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14/October/2024 Posted by Freddy

        A couple of additions today from Knights of the Old Republic 44: The Reaping, Part 2, I've added Skyreaper Drone to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section, & Gladiator (Crucible Capital Ship) to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.


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