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"They don't have long. No one is coming to help them. And you are the one who led them here. Strike me down. Take the throne. Reign over a new empire, and the fleet will be yours. Only you have the power to save them. Refuse, and your new family dies.": Emperor Palpatine: Star Wars, Rise of Skywalker


18/January/2025 Posted by Freddy

        And we move onto Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures: Season 2: Story 16: The Lost Treasure of Tenoo, where Kai and Djovi find a lost base set up by the founder of Tenoo itself, but the pirate captain Blackbolt returns to plunder it.


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17/January/2025 Posted by Freddy

        And today based on Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures: Season 2: Story 15: The Missing Life Day Feast, I've added Rudi (Wookiee Pilot), & Daynaal (Trandoshan Pirate) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
        So Skeleton Crew has now finished, so I'd normally jump over to work my way through that series and add stats from it, but with only 4 stories of this part of Young Jedi Adventures remaining, I think instead I'll just finish off this batch, before moving over to Skeleton Crew. Which means I won't find myself limited to a single day to cover everything from each episode. Allowing me more time to get everything from Skeleton Crew covered. So for the next 8 days we'll keep covering Young Jedi Adventures before moving on.


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16/January/2025 Posted by Freddy

        And so we reach the season finale of Skeleton Crew, Star Wars: Skeleton Crew: Season 1: Episode 8: The Real Good Guys, where Jod seizes control of At-Attin and it's only hope lies in the hands of the kids.


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15/January/2025 Posted by Freddy

        And we're onto Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures: Season 2: Story 15: The Missing Life Day Feast, where the Young Jedi have to save Life Day from the Gangul gang who aim to ruin it for the Wookiees.


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14/January/2025 Posted by Freddy

        So today, based on Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures: Season 2: Story 15: A Sticky Situation, I've added Bren (Human Jedi Padawan), & Zotti (Rodian Jedi Youngling) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, & Crystal Web Spider (Predatory Arachnid), Spider-King (Predatory Arachnid), & Snap Rat (Tenoo Rodent) to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section of the Site.


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