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June/2024 UPDATES

30/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And the next issue, Knights of the Old Republic 9: Flashpoint Interlude: Homecoming, which doesn't feature Zayne and his team, instead showing us Lucien and the Seers recall to Coruscant, and flashbacks to their youth and how their group was formed.


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29/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And some additions based on Knights of the Old Republic 8: Flashpoint, Part 2, we've added Republic Fleet Systems Aurek-class Tactical Strikefighter, Rendili Hyperworks Hammerhead-Class Cruiser, Rendili Hyperworks/Vanjervalis Drive Yards Inexpugnable-Class Tactical Command Ship, & Jehaveyir-type assault ship to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section.
        Some of these are based on stats we did in 2005 when Kotor came out, but there was a lot of guesswork involved, and now outdated information. So these versions are updated with more recent information.


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28/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And today the next issue of Kotor, Knights of the Old Republic 8: Flashpoint, Part 2, where Zayne tracks the kidnapped Jarael to a Mandalorian Prison for Jedi, Flashpoint.


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27/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And this weeks review of The Acolyte: Season 1: Episode 5: Night, where a massive fight breaks out, and the Jedi prove resourceful, but it doesn't end well for most of them.


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26/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And from Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 7: Flashpoint, Part 1, today I've added Zem (Human Miner) to the Star Wars Characters Section, & Core Galaxy Systems/Mandalorian Neo-Crusader War Forges Davaab-type Starfighter, & Teroch-type Fast-Attack Gunship to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.


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25/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And we've onto Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic the Old Republic 7: Flashpoint, Part 1. where a scam to steal supplies throws the group into the middle of an invasion.

        This website has been part of my life for a significant time, so old updates often provide a history to my life. On the 25th of June 2004, exactly 20 years ago today, there was no update, although I did put up the reason as that I was getting married. This obviously enough makes it my 20th Wedding anniversary today, and wow those years have gone by quickly. I considered not doing an update today, but I'm up really early, so might as well do something before my wife gets up and we spend the day together (we're off to see a comedy show tonight, Peter Serafinowicz, Darth Maui himself, as his character Brian Butterfield). Anyway, another milestone in my life laid out in an update on this site.


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24/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

23/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And the next issue, Knights of the Old Republic 6: Commencement, Part 6, where Zayne faces the Jedi Masters who have framed him for murder and he discovers the truth of that fateful encounter.


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22/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        A couple of addtions based on Knights of the Old Republic 5: Commencement, Part 5, as today I've added Valius Ying (Twilek Bounty Hunter/Pirate) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, & Oroko to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.


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21/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And today we're onto, Knights of the Old Republic 5: Commencement, Part 5, where Zayne discovers the truth behind the actions of the Jedi Masters and the reason he's being hunted and his fellow Padawan's were slaughtered.


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20/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And this weeks episode, The Acolyte: Season 1: Episode 4: Day, where all the main characters go to Khofar to meet a Wookiee, and when I say all the main characters, I mean all the main characters.


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19/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        Only one addition today based on Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 4: Commencement, Part 4, because they spend most of the issue in an Asteroid field. Anyway, today I've added Arkanian Offshoot to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section of the Site.


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18/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And onto the next part, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 4: Commencement, Part 4. Where Zayne contacts Jedi Master Vandar to explain what has happened, only to discover they don't believe him, but this conversation leads Zayne to realise there's have been other odd things going on with the Jedi Masters on Taris for a long time. And he thinks he knows where he can find a recording of the Jedi Masters in private conversation which might reveal more.


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17/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And based on Knights of the Old Republic 3: Commencement, Part 3, today I've added Drovian to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section, Amalgamated Hyperdyne 578-R Space Transport, & Taris Civil Authority Police Cruiser to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, & Taris Civil Authority Gunship to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section of the Site.


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16/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And onto Knights of the Old Republic 3: Commencement, Part 3, where Zayne and Gryph meet up with companions which will play a major part in the series, Jarael and Camper, and manage to escape Taris on Campers barely functional starship, which leaves them stranded in orbit with the authorities closing in.
        Now when I first planned to cover Knights of the Old Republic, I though it'd be a nice little project to occupy much of this year. But I hadn't taken into account so many other things which are coming out. So we've already had Bad Batch season 3 and Tales of the Empire. We've currently got The Acolyte, and have Skeleton Crew before the end of the year. But they just announced a fresh season of Young Jedi Adventures, with half of them being released in August (and if that's the same as season 1, it'll be 25 episodes), and that combined with monthly issues of The High Republic and Vader, means that I'm probably going to be still catching up with everything at the end of the year. It's kind of cool to have so much new stuff to cover, but after KoToR I'd planned to do a completionist coverage of the Sequel trilogy to catch anything I'd missed, and I've got the Legacy series of comics sitting on my shelf waiting to be covered as well. So much to do, so little time :D


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15/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And some stats from Knights of the Old Republic 2: Commencement, Part 2, today I've added Reiva Carrick (Human Gardener) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, & Kedorzhan to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section of the Site.


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14/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And onto the next issue, Knights of the Old Republic 2: Commencement, Part 2, where Zayne and Gryph are on the run accused of murdering all the Jedi Padawans on Taris, and Zayne realises there's been something wrong with his Masters all along.


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13/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And my review of The Acolyte: Season 1: Episode 3: Destiny, where we flashback to Osha and Mae's youth with their mothers and see what happened when the Jedi came to test them.


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12/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        Well I didn't get chance to watch the latest Acolyte yet, so here's some stats from Knights of the Old Republic 1: Commencement, Part 1 instead. Today I've added Hamadryas to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section, & Ubrikkian Repulsorlift Manufacturing PL-90 Luxury Speeder, & Aratech Repulsor Company Urban Navigator to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section of the Site.


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11/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And we're onto issue 1 of the series, Knights of the Old Republic 1: Commencement, Part 1. Where Padawan Zayne Carrick keeps attempting to capture the criminal Marn Hierogryph to prove himself ready for becoming a full Jedi Knight, but when he does and goes to report it to his master, he finds his masters standing over the murdered bodies of all the other Padawan's on Taris.
        Oh, I mentioned yesterday I would probably be reviewing the next episode of The Acolyte tomorrow, as it's released today. But I've got a lot on, and might not get a chance until tomorrow, and therefore not review it till the day after. So depending on what happens, I'll either be back tomorrow with a review of The Acolyte episode 3, or I'll be doing stats for this issue. We shall see.


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10/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        While being an Issue 0 (Knights of the Old Republic 0: Crossroads) means that it introduces a lot of characters, I don't want to stat them out until they've played their part in the story. So today I'm adding a bunch of species and droids, which will be needed for characters later. So today I've added Kellenech Technologies LB-series bulk-loading droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section, & Feeorin, Ho-Din, Khil, & Miraluka to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section of the Site:
        Onto Issue 1 tomorrow, probably followed by my review of The Acolyte Episode 3, before returning to this comic series.


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09/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And we begin a series I've been planning on covering for ages, but just haven't gotten around to. The Knights of the Old Republic Series of comics by Dark Horse Comics, published back in 2006, and based on the Video Game series of the same name. So we start with issue 0, Knights of the Old Republic 0: Crossroads, where we're introduced to Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick, who is trying to prove himself by catching a criminal, but is concerned that he's going to fail his Jedi trials, and won't join his fellow Jedi as they head off to war against the Mandalorians.


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07/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And with Disney+'s habit of releasing two episodes of a series at the same time, today here's my review of the second episode of The Acolyte. The Acolyte: Season 1: Episode 2: Revenge / Justice, where a second murder is attempted, so Sol and his team go to investigate and find solid proof that it's Osha's identical twin who is doing these killings, and there is a pattern to them, allowing them to predict where the next will happen.


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06/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And the first episode of The Acolyte is out, so here's my review. The Acolyte: Season 1: Episode 1: Lost / Found, where a former Jedi Padawan is framed for a murder, and her former master is sent to capture her, but something from their shared past has come back to haunt them.


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05/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And stats from The High Republic: The Hunted: Chapter 3: Balm of the Luminous, today I've added Balm of the Luminous to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section, Sister H-Tar (Nihil Child of the Storm), & Reek (Alien Assistant to Baron Boolan) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, & Krinnan (Arboreal Monkey) to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section of the Site.


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04/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And onto the next issue, The High Republic: The Hunted: Chapter 3: Balm of the Luminous, where the Nihil kidnap the child which Sskeer has been protecting, but Lourna Dee turns out to not only be more calm and comforting that the Jedi, but also more resourceful in tracking the kidnapped child down.
        Stat's from this one tomorrow, and with The Acolyte being released today, I should have time to watch it today or tomorrow for review the day after. So much Star Wars, so little time.


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03/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        There's a few things from Darth Vader: Issue 46: The Razing of Exegol Part 1 which I'd like to cover (The Sith Eternal Starships, the MAR Corps members, etc), but sadly there's just not enough information available yet. So today I've added Warba Calip (Human Con Artist) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site, and hopefully next issue will be more revealing and I can add some of those things. Back tomorrow with the next issue of The High Republic.


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02/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And catching up with the most recent issues of the comics I cover, today we've got Darth Vader: Issue 46: The Razing of Exegol Part 1, where Vaders plans to seize power from Palpatine include everything Palpatine has been preparing for the future on Exegol.


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01/June/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And a few characters from the final episode, Tales of the Empire: The Way Out. Today I've added Barriss Offee (Mirialan Jedi) {as of Tales of the Jedi episode 6}, Micah (Human Infant), Micahs father (Human Villager), & Micahs mother (Human Villager) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
        And so that's Tales of the Empire done, and we've got The Acolyte starting in just a few days time, so I'll catching up on the comics over the next couple of days until that starts, and then we'll alternate between The Acolyte as it's released and the Knights of the Old Republic comics that I said I would do quite a while ago. So back tomorrow with some Vader.


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