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August/2022 UPDATES

31/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

30/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        So many weapons and equipment in Star Wars: Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi, including a bunch of musical instruments. So today we've added Nalargon (Red Ball Jett Keyboard), Growdi Harmonique, Blissl, Chidinkalu, Neuro-Saav Corporation NiteSite Infrared Motion Sensor, & Plescinia Entertainments CS-Mark 12 Holoprojector all added to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section, & Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. 7-PrG proton grenade added to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section of the Site.

        Just as a note, I'm amused that the helmet pictured, which is a technological marvel with computers and sensors packed into it, is actually far cheaper to buy than some of the musical instruments. Maybe due to mass production versus hand made quality?


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29/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        Because Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi is such a varied movie, with the Rebel forces on Endor, everyone in Jabba's palace, etc. There's a load of equipment, weapons and other things to cover before we get onto the characters, so here's another bunch for today. We've added Tantel Armor, & Ubese Raider Armor to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section, & BlasTech Industries DL-21 blaster pistol, Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. Model 44 blaster pistol, SoroSuub Corporation X-30 Lancer target blast pistol, & BlasTech Industries E-11b Blaster Rifle to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section of the Site. With more to come tomorrow.


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28/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And I'm back, and beginning Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, and sometimes I can't believe what I haven't added to the site before, Thermal Detonators & Bowcasters for example. Anyway, today I have added, BlasTech Industries Dur-24 Wrist Laser, Wookiee Bowcaster, & Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. Class-A thermal detonator to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section, & Personal Identifier Transponders to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section of the Site.


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17/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        So onto the most recent issue of Darth Vader, Issue 25: Crimson Reign: No Calm Before The Storm, and based on that issue I've added Governor Tauntaza (Human Imperial Governor) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and Gabredor III to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section of the Site.
        Now Empire Strikes Back is finished, and I'm up to date with the monthly comics, I'm going to take a week long break. This perfectly syncs up to the school year, as my son goes back to school tomorrow, so my morning routine will change back to non-school holidays, and a week will give me chance to get used to it again.
        It's kind of weird to think I announced his birth on this site 17 years ago, and tomorrow he starts his last year at school before he's all grown up. . . .
        Anyway, I may pop on to tidy up some of the stats I've miscategorised over the last few months, but see you all in a week for Return of the Jedi.


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15/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        So with Empire Strikes Back done, time to catch up with the latest couple of issues of the Darth Vader Comic, so today we've got Issue 24: Crimson Reign: Old Friends, and there's not a lot new to stat out in this issue, but I noticed that I've never covered the Iakaru species before, which I've added to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section of the Site.


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13/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And we reach the end of our journey through Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, with the "Y"s and "Z"s, so today we've added Yoxgit (Ugnaught Trader), Zuckuss (Gand Bounty Hunter), Kulbart Zamoon (Centran Rebel Pilot), & Habeer Zignean (Human Rebel Pilot) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
        So tomorrow I'll be reviewing an issue of the Vader comic, as I'm a couple behind at the moment, so I've some catchup to do.


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12/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        Total brainfart yesterday, as I totally missed two "W"s and thought I only had 4 more characters to cover for Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Turns out there's more than that, but should get them done over the next couple of days. Anyway, today I've added Chase Wilsorr (Human Rebel Engineer), & Lieutenant Nash Windrider (Human Imperial Officer/Pilot) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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11/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        So I decided to go back and do a version of Lando mid-point between the versions we already had on the site for Solo: A Star Wars Story and Star Wars: Episode IX: Rise of Skywalker. As there were onto two "W"s to do today. It's possible I might do a version of him for Return of the Jedi, but I really don't think there would be many changes. Anyway, today I've added Lando Calrissian (as of The Empire Strikes Back), Jeroen Webb (Human Rebel Spy), & Wiorkettle (Snivvian Artist) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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10/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        Only one "U" today, so I've powered on through the "V"s as well, so we should be done with Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back in a few days. But today I've added Ugloste (Ugnaught Carbon Freeze Supervisor), Kit Valent (Human Rebel Pilot/Gunner), General Maximilian Veers (Human Imperial Officer), Captain Shawn Valdez (Human Rebel Evacuation Officer), & Captain Venka (Human Imperial Officer) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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09/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And the "T"s today, so I've added Razell Tameron (Human Bespin Wing Guard), Major Palo Torshan (Human Rebel Security Officer), Tig (Human Imperial Stormtrooper), TK-5187 (Human Imperial Walker Gunner), & TS-4068 (Human Imperial Snowtrooper) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
        And the end is in sight, and I've got a couple of issues of the Vader Comic sitting on my phone to cover, and the premiere of Andor is just over a month away, so I won't have time to cover Return of the Jedi before that, so I'll find something to cover for a couple of weeks before that series begins.


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08/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And the last of the "S"s as we continue through Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Today I've added Luke Skywalker {As of The Empire Strikes Back} (Human Jedi), Pedar Solardo (Human Bespin Wing Guard), Jell Spiel (Human Bespin Wing Guard Pilot), & Adam Swiftgale (Human Rebel Starfighter Pilot) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
        Out of the heroes of the movie, Luke is probably the only one I'll produce incremental stats for, as in my opinion he is the only one which really grew, becoming a Jedi and beyond that a far more capable individual. Han, Leia, Chewbacca, R2-D2 and C-3PO all are pretty much the same as they were in A New Hope, so there's no point in updating them. Although now I think about it, I've skipped over Lando, and the two sets of stats we've got for him are from Solo, and Rise of Skywalker, so perhaps a mid point for him would be a worthwhile addition to the site.
        On the subject of Luke, I've chosen him to be a little less powerful than the officially published stats, as comparing him to Anakin and Obi-Wan stats during the Clone Wars that I've produced, Luke was about the same power, or even more powerful than them, so with these he's more of a mid point between the totally inexperienced version we see in A New Hope, and the powerful Jedi Knight we'll see in Return of the Jedi.


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07/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        Another batch of the "S"s from Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, although not them all. So today I've added Colonel Starck (Human Imperial AT-AT Commander), Lieutenant Suba (Human Imperial Chief of Security), Bialar Selis (Human Bespin Wing Guard), & Jake Sirrom (Human Bespin Wing Guard) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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06/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        The "S"s will take us a couple of days to get through, so here's the first batch, as today I've added Will Scotian (Human Rebel Starfighter Pilot), Zev Senesca (Human Rebel Pilot), Captain Wyron Serper (Human Rebel Officer), Lieutenant Sheckil (Human Imperial Officer), & Helder Spinoza (Human Bespin Wing Guard) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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05/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And the rest of the non-droid "R"s as we continue through the characters of Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. So today I've added Dak Ralter (Human Rebel Gunner/Pilot), Beryann Raleg (Human Rebel Pilot), Chief Retwin (Human Imperial Officer), Commander Tamizander Rey (Human Rebel Logistics Officer), & Ark Rutendo (Human Bespin Wing Guard) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
        Now Wookieepedia listed another character as being in Empire Strikes Back, Ciena Ree, but when I read through her background I couldn't find where she appeared in the movie at all (although she is involved in the Battle of Endor, so will probably show up when I cover Return of the Jedi).


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04/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        Onto the "R"s, so we've got a bunch of Astromechs first of all, but also a slightly confusingly named Protocol Droid (as well as the listed R-3PO, I wonder if theres an R3-PO out there somewhere?). Anyway, today I've added R-3PO {Ar-Threepio} (Rebel Protocol Droid), R3-A2 (Rebel Astromech Droid), R3-Y2 (Rebel Astromech Droid), & Arfive-Emmtoo {R5-M2} (Rebel Astromech Droid) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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03/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        Well, the only "O" of Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back was Admiral Ozzel, who we've added to the site before (I was actually looking forward to doing him, as the actor, Michael Sheard, was a fellow Scot, and also played the menacing deputy head master in Grange Hill. A show I watched as a child.) So we're onto the "P"s, and today I've added Nichos Panib (Human Noble Rebel Pilot), Lee Phenets (Human Bespin Engineer), Jek Pugilio (Human Rebel Pilot), & Penrie {NA811} (Human Tie Fighter Pilot) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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02/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        After yesterdays bumper batch, today it's a far more reasonable selection of the "N"s as we continue through Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Today I've added Lieutenant Romas Navander (Human Rebel Officer), Commander Nemet (Human Imperial Officer), Sergeant Narthax (Clone Imperial Snowtrooper), & Allen Neff (Human Bespin Wing Guard) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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01/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

Page designed in Notepad, Logo`s done in Personal Paint on the Commodore Amiga
All text, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
Images stolen from an unknown website at some remote time in the past.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.