Well, thought I'd try completing the characters section of DLOS, which was made slightly more difficult by duplication of characters between sections of their site, and slightly different versions of characters on different pages.
But, anyway, today I've added Baron Von Beegleheimer (Heinous Villain of Mass Proportions), Bene Gesserit, Bob the Dinosaur (Joke Character), Devastor Lakanddra (Human Mercenary), Dogbert (Joke Character), Fremen, Ginaz Swordmasters, Gwirekon Pirates: Boarding Marines, Gwirekon Pirates: Starfighter Pilot, Gwirekon Pirates: Zero G Troopers, Harkonnen Trooper, Immortals, Jakre F. Ronnel (Human Ex-Pit Fighter), Jof lep (Spathi Coward), KORD ARNUM, Ler Tedib (Human Janitor), The Marshmallow Puff People, Rssh alle (Sshrihx Bounty Hunter), Sardaukar, Setzn Kaizo (Human Bounty Hunter), Tanaka Mariko (Human Starfighter Pilot), The Razorbacks - Swoop Gang, Tonk (Bounty Hunter), Trent Zinx Frost (Human Dark Lord of the Sith), Typical Repulsor Hockey Player, Zebes (Giant Brain), Sera Asvek (Bothan Spy), Kelos (Gungan Fringer), Gruben (Dug Scoundrel), Greman (Twilek Diplomat), Esara Tulean (Human Slaver), Admiral Harlo Dev (Imperial Officer), Emperor Weji Ynehtam (Imperial Officer), Empress Red (Imperial Officer), Fleet Admiral Essen Balher (Imperial Officer), Færos Iennis (Cyborg), Fleet Admiral Korion (Mon Calimari New Republic Officer), General Matrim Cauthron (Imperial Officer), Janitor, PDF army trooper, PDF navy trooper, Earth Federation GM Mobile Suite Pilot, Earth Federation Land Combat Mobile Suite Pilot, Earth Federation Navy Officer, Zeon Mobile Suit Pilot, Zeon Naval Officer, Arachnid, Flying Arachnid, Arangar, Aranias, The Bobs, Colo Claw Fish, Critters, Dtang, Darkhounds, Dervulian Hounds, Draghkar, Eopie, Essel Cat, Essel Tiger, Faendor Rioles, Faendor Thressal, Falumpaset, Fambaas, Gingerbread Men, Graas Jhouea (Grâs Zhoo-eeah), Grey Men, Hydralisks, Hydra, Ibaeps, Jhon T-he, Kaadu, The Legendary Black Beast of Aaauugghh, Morlin, Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons, Myrddraal, Opee Sea Killer, The Rabbit of Caerbaddon, Re-tak, Rhamsha, Sando Aqua Monster, Sarwican Bear, Shai-Hulud - Great Sandworm, Space Roach, Species X, Tarrasque, Tremors, Trolloc, Ultralisks, Undead, Vink Spider, Vrashna Sonic Hounds, Warls, Yeto, Zerglings, Zering T-Shaa all to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the site.