And today we've got a review of the final issue of The High Republic comic series, Issue 15: The FALL. And we've added based on this issue, The Nameless / Shrii-ka-rai [Eaters of the Force] to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section, Burryaga Agaburry (Wookiee Jedi Padawan), Torban Buck (Chagrian Jedi Master), Elzar Mann (Human Jedi Master), Vernestra Rwoh (Mirialan Jedi Knight), & Bell Zettifar (Human Jedi Padawan) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
Well, much like this time last year I'm going to take a bit of a break from updating the site daily. There will be a new issue of the Darth Vader comic in the next couple of weeks, and I'll review and stat that, and I'll definitely be back with my usual weirdness on April the 1st (I've got a few ideas saved on my phone for this year). But I'm going to just enjoy not having this self imposed schedule of "having" to update the site every day. But don't worry, it's definitely not the end, it's just a holiday, as I've got my completionist revisits of all the other movies to consider, the Knights of the Old Republic and Legacy comic series sitting on my shelf, and so many Star Wars animated and live action series this year that I can't wait to cover. So I'll see you all soon.