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17/August/2024 Posted by Freddy

        And today based on Knights of the Old Republic 21: Daze of Hate, Part 3, I've added Doctor Gorman Vandrayk {Camper} (Arkanian offshoot Scientist), & Arkoh Adasca (Arkanian Businessman/Politician) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, & The Last Resort to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.
        Oh, I noticed that the second season of Young Jedi Adventures has released, so I really should take a break from Knights of the Old Republic to do these instead, but I'm not going to. I feel like I just got back to the Kotor comics, and while YJA is fun enough, I'm going to leave it for the moment until I either finish Kotor, or reach a point where I'm more comfortable stopping.


Comments made about this Article!

17/Aug/2024 12:58:55 Posted by

I thought that the second half of the Young Jedi Adventures Season 2 would be showing in October, so you could reach a point, do the first half, get back to the comics, and then do the second half when they're shown. But the second half won't be shown until sometime next year.

As for a good stopping point, one would be after the Vindication comic arc is finished and Zayne's problems with the Covenant are over. Another would be before doing the KOTOR: War 5 issue arc.

I think you should also add the Arkanian Legacy, since it's gone now along with the Last Resort.

You'll be doing the Vector crossover arc after Knights of Suffering. The only constants for this 12-issue, four time period arc are Celeste Morne and the Muur Talisman. Before doing stats for those two, perhaps you may want to read the entire Vector crossover arc. That way, you'll have all the info you need to give proper stats for these two.

22/Aug/2024 11:09:10 Posted by Freddy

I normally wouldn't have hesitated to jump onto Young Jedi Adventures, but it really just feels like a week or so since I finished The Acolyte, and while I'm fine covering YJA, it isn't as satisfying as it just made for kids.
I'm thinking the end of the Vindication arc sounds about right, and that's only a few weeks away.

I've done the Arkanian Legacy already

I'll have to get the Dark Times and Rebellion, but I already own the Legacy Vector graphic novel. (Plan to cover Legacy sometime as well).

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