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Merr-Sonn Munitions K21c portable ordnance launcher View Update

02/February/2009 Posted by Freddy

        After another bit of a break, but back to the DLOS additions, today I've added Remora Corvette, New Republic Shark Torpedo Cruiser, Mon Calamari MC90 Star Cruiser (revised), SorroSuub Agravator Cruiser, Corellian CC-5500 Frigate, Corellian CC-7700 Frigate, Corellian CC-9600 Frigate, Corellian Corvette (CR-90), Corellian Corvette (CR-92), Covey Carrier-Cruiser, Dauntless Cruiser, The Emancipator, Liberator Carrier-Cruiser, Republic Missile Frigate, New Republic Mainstay Support Frigate, Mobile Defense Ship, Mon Calamari MC80B Star Cruiser, Mon Calamari MC95 Star Cruiser, New Republic Star Avenger, Republic Skipray Blastboat, The Independence and Home One, New Republic Titan Corvette, New Republic Engineering Prowler Patrol, Scout and Attack Craft, Hapan Battle Dragon, Hapes Nova Battle Cruiser, Hapes Star Destroyer, Gates Battle Cruiser, Admiral Corvette, Assault Corvette, Discriminator Frigate, Penetrator Missile Cruiser, Duom Cruiser, The Rimes, The Blood of Kashan, The Vendetta, Setec Light Battlecruiser, Hkebra DNal Light Cruiser, Crucem Excidium Cruiser, Jquille Missile Frigate (revised), Neyomal MegaCruiser, Neyomal Mothership, Wertokian Grishmath Carrier, Wertokian Hive Cruiser, Umgah Drone, Pride of the Yevetha, The Knass (Big Ass), Yevethan Star Destroyer, Fedtra Interdictor, Umgah Star Destroyer, Vengeance Battle Cruiser all to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section.
        Well, although tomorrow is my birthday, I'm going to try to do another update.

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Images stolen from various web page I`ve now forgotten where (Copyright however will reside with the artists.
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