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December/2017 UPDATES

30/December/2017 Posted by Freddy

        A couple of additions to the site from yesterdays reviewed episode, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 3 Episode 16: Altar of Mortis. Today I've added the Griffin (Mythical Riding Beast) and the Gargoyle (Mythical Monster) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Creatures Section of the Site.


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29/December/2017 Posted by HellStormer1

Hello. Today I've added the Resistance A-Wing (Kuat Engineering Systems RZ-2 A-Wing), as seen in The Last Jedi's opening space battle, as well as the R-22 Spearhead (A-Wing Prototype), which is the version of the A-Wing depicted in Star Wars Rebels, and probably any other early depictions that show up before Return Of The Jedi.

After watching The Last Jedi, at first I thought the A-Wing's shown may have been holdovers from the previous war with the Galactic Empire. But then I noticed some slight visual/physical differences when I saw the film a second time (yes, I did that, but mostly because I wanted to try out the reclining seats at this other theatre, first time using those, very comfy, loved it, my legs fell asleep, lol). The new A-Wing seems sleeker and longer, and it was only noticeable very briefly in a handful of scenes, and only if you're paying close attention (which I did, because I'm a starship nut!). SO, I went looking for some info. Wookiepedia had nothing (at the time, they have much more info now), but then I found a preview page of Star Wars The Last Jedi Incredible Cross-Sections, which showed the Resistance A-Wing, and it gave me all the info I wanted, and then some.

While reading up on this, I also saw lots of mentioning of the R-22, the prototype starfighter that was developed into the RZ-1, the standard A-Wing we see in Return Of The Jedi. Wookiepedia had a page on this fighter as well, and there were many noticeable differences. So, first I wrote up the R-22, getting a feel for what was different between it and the RZ-1, then circled back around to do the Resistance A-WIng, and voila!

On a separate note, anyone out there have opinions on ship modifications?
  I was thinking back on some of the stuff I put in the Raddus, the Ninka and the Anodyne, maybe refine it a little, and present it as something you might find in Tramp Freighters or one of the other great D6 ship modding books. Love that stuff.

Also, which book is best for capital ship mods?
  When I look in the books, this stuff seems to be rather sparse.

[EDIT: also made some alterations to the Ninka, mostly adjusting the bombs/ordnance, and adding some more info. Might do the same to the Anodyne at some point.

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28/December/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Today I've added from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 3 Episode 15: Overlords, Mortis to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section, and Lightsaber shoto to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section. I've also found another couple of things from The Star Wars Holiday Special, but were hard to find on Wookieepedia (I had to go into the Rebel Cartoon, then from there into The Faithfull Wookiee before I could find them. I've added the Imperial Speeder / Storm Speeder to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, and Paars ichthyodont to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Creatures Section of the Site.


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27/December/2017 Posted by Freddy

        I'd promised to do these yesterday, but I started watching The Punisher with a nice bottle of wine, and was a little sleepy by the time I'd normally sit down to do updates. But better late than never, and I'll try to get a review of Clone Wars done later.

        But anyway, today I've added, the Panna dragon to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Creatures Section, Panna Prime to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section, the Amban phase-pulse blaster, Sacros K-11 to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment/Weapons Section and the Pocket-sized aquarium and Mind evaporator to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section of the Site.


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25/December/2017 Posted by HellStormer1

Hello again so soon everyone, and Merry Xmas!  For the First Order we now have Kylo Ren's TIE Silencer (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems TIE/vn Space Superiority Fighter) to round out the First Order's starfighter forces (hope it's deadly enough ;)), and the All-Terrin MegaCaliber Six (AT-M6) to round out their ground forces.  The AT-M6 I fear may be too powerful, but there are some notes on it to change this if GMs/players wish.  On the Resistance side, we now have the Resistance Bomber (Slayn & Korpil MG-100 StarFortress SF-17) to round out their starfighter and transport forces (though I'm still working on the U-55 Loadlifters to fully fill out Resistance forces of this type), and we also have the Resistance Ski Speeder (Roche Machines V-4X-D Ski Speeder), a light and tricky vehicle with more potential than it seems at first glance.

Also, I was trying to post Poe Dameron's X-Wing Flight Booster for this batch, but for some reason I couldn't get it to work.  Will try again later.  I'm proud of it, and I'm suredaring starfighter pilot characters will love to try it out.  [EDIT] OK, now we have Poe Dameron X-Wing Flight Booster, though for some reason it didn't like me adding the proper possessive grammar to the name ('s).

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24/December/2017 Posted by HellStormer1

Hello again.  To finish up the capital ships from The Last Jedi, we now have The Vigil, The Ninka, and The Anodyne to round off the Resistance Navy, the Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought to complete the First Order navy, and the Nebulon-C Frigate as a taste of what the New Republic's navy might have been or could have been.

I had fund doing up these ships.  As we don't get to see much of the Resistance ships and what they can do, I took it upon myself to fill in the gaps.  When I finished them, it made me kind of sad, and that's all I can say without giving spoilers away.  Either wway, have a look at them and feel free to comment if you think they live up to their intended roles in the Resistance.

The Mandator IV and the Nebulon-C were pretty simple, but still fun to do.

This leaves smaller ships like the U-55 Loadlifter, and vehicles like the ski speeders and Caliber 6 walkers, and maybe a few other odds and ends.  But for today, I think I'm done.

Merry Xmas people!

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24/December/2017 Posted by Freddy

        In the normal cycle of things, today I should be watching and reviewing an episode of Clone Wars, and doing stats from it tomorrow. However since it's Christmas Day tomorrow and I'll be spending it with family I'm going to break the normal pattern today. Now I've been thinking about doing Stats from The Last Jedi during a break between Season 3 and 4 of Clone Wars, but Hellstormer seems to have started that amazingly well, and personally I think that we're still a little soon and not all the information has come out yet for me to work from.

        So what else can I do?

        Well it's Christmas Eve and the Holiday Season is upon us, so today I've decided to review
The Star Wars Holiday Special. I've seen most of it in the past, but have never seen it all before, and I've suffered for this site, as it's exactly as bad as you've heard.

        Well, Merry Christmas to you all, and I hope Santa brings you whatever you wish. I'll be back on Boxing Day with some stats from The Holiday Special, and then back to Clone Wars.


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24/December/2017 Posted by HellStormer1

So....I did up The Supremacy (Mega-class Star Dreadnought).  And if Freddy or anyone else is working on one, I hope you guys put them up here anyways.  Always nice to see different people's take on a thing.  More ships may come later.

So, yeah.  The Last Jedi.  No point in rehashing what innumerable reviewers have already said about it.  I have my opinion on it, just like everyone else.  But I'm also a starship-o-phile, and I love me some SHIPS!  And this movie has several.  So at least there's that.

BTW, speaking of ships, did you see that one really cool move Admiral Holdo did in the movie?  Yeah, explanation of how to do that in your Star Wars D6 games can be found in the write-up for the Supremacy, and if I get to the Raddus, I'll put it in there, too.  Might even make it its own separate thing on here somewhere, but not sure where to put it....hmm, "The Holdo Maneuver"...

[EDIT] Added the MC85 Star Cruiser, not as the Raddus but as a more "standard" New Republic ship.  [EDIT] And now we have The Raddus, and it's got options for some custom stuff, but also notes to run it more standard.  Take a look, and feel free to leave feedback.

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23/December/2017 Posted by Freddy

        A couple of additions to the site today from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 3 Episode 14: Witches of the Mist. Today I've added the SoroSuub Corporation Peregrine-class star yacht to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section and Devaron to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section of the Site.


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22/December/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Absolutely fascinating glimpse into how the original Star Wars changed between filming and release.

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21/December/2017 Posted by Freddy

        A few updates today from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 3 Episode 13: Monster.
        Today I've added Serenno to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section, Ubrikkian Transports Speeder Bike to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, and the Chain-sickle to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment/Weapons Section of the Site (this last one was apparently seen in Ben's hut back in A New Hope, but I've never seen statted.


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19/December/2017 Posted by Freddy

        A very busy day for me today, not home until 10pm, so I'm taking my teabreak to update the site. So only One addition to the site from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 3 Episode 12: Nightsisters, I've added the Nightsister energy bow to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment/Weapons Section of the Site.
        I was mightly amused reading that "Dave Filoni stated that this weapon was inspired by the magical bow used in the 80's children's television series Dungeons and Dragons.", as I'm a massive fan of that series, and have always known that Hank's Energy bow is the most powerful magical item in that series (although Presto's Hat would be if he could work it properly).


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17/December/2017 Posted by Freddy

        I said I'd do it yesterday, but I needed some time to think about it. But today I've written a review of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. It's a bit rambling, it's a bit confused, and it's packed with spoilers so don't go near it if you haven't seen the film. Please keep any discussion of the movie to the comments in the review rather than anywhere else. Don't ruin it for anyone, my eldest son had that done to him for both this movie and The Force Awakens, so don't be assholes please.


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14/December/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Okay, because there's a new Star Wars Film out, we're getting new visitors to the site. And I get the feeling that many of them have never heard of West End Games Star Wars D6 Role Playing Game.
        But they're here, and to hopefully help them get some use out of the Stat's they're seeing, I've added a D6 Rules Section to the Left hand menu, and have added my first article on this subject The Quick and Dirty D6 Rules Guide.
        Now, I have to admit, I typed this up from memory, while I was away from my Rulebooks. So could those who know the D6 rules have a scan through and see if I've made any mistakes.
        These are just a quick and dirty guide, just enough to sit down with a bunch of D6's, a few friends, some stats from the site and have a quick game.
        There's no guides to experience, there's no guide to the Force, there's no rules for Starship or Vehicular Combat (beyond how the skills are rolled), and I'll follow up with a couple more articles real soon now.
        So, any thoughts, put them in the comments or email me at the usual place. I'm off with my wife and two sons to see The Last Jedi tomorrow night, so no update tomorrow.


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13/December/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Just one update from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 3 Episode 11: Pursuit of Peace, I've added the Coruscant police speeder to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section. But also I've fulfilled a request from Facebook this morning, the Kuat Drive Yards Raider-class corvette has been added to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.


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11/December/2017 Posted by Freddy

        A couple of updates from Yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 3 Episode 10: Heroes on Both Sides.
        Today I've added the Infiltrator/Demolition droid (I/D droid) to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment/Droids Section, and the Corellian Engineering Corporation / Gallofree Yards, Inc Gozanti-class armed transport to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.

        Now, I've got my tickets for "The Last Jedi" booked for Friday, so there won't be an update then, and I hope to have something a little special for Thursday. We'll see if I'm straight back into Clone Wars on Saturday, or I knock out an early review of The Last Jedi, we'll see how things go.


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09/December/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Just a few quick updates today from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 3 Episode 9: Hunt for Ziro.

        Today I've added the Ubrikkian Industries Pongeeta-class swamp speeder to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, the Ran-D housekeeper droid to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment/Droids Section, and the Dragonsnake and Sharellian toop to the Star Wars Characters/Creatures Section of the Site.


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07/December/2017 Posted by Freddy

        A couple of new additions from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 3 Episode 8: Evil Plans. Today I've added the Taylander shuttle and the Baktoid Armor Workshop Rogue-class starfighter to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.

        I'm really starting to feel that they're not introducing a lot of new things for me to stat out each episode, when preparing todays update I had 6 things ready to add, but as I went through them, it got narrowed down to the 2 that remain as the others were either in official sourcebooks, or I'd already done (and done since I started doing Clone Wars). Guess it really is time to go back through previous episodes and pick out things I skipped at the time. Oh well.


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05/December/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Just a couple from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 3 Episode 7: Assassin, and we're reaching the episodes where there's nothing too much new in the episode to Stat, so I'm starting to work through common recurring things, and I'm doing those. So two planets today, Coruscant and Alderaan both added to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section of the Site.


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03/December/2017 Posted by Freddy

        A very small update today, based on yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 3 Episode 6: The Academy. Today I've added Mandalore to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section of the Site.


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