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Survival armor

Survival armor View Update

20/February/2009 Posted by Freddy

        A rather late update this week, due to me being incredibly busy, but better late than never I suppose, today I've added Dark Well Sniper Armor, Akira Powered Protective Vest, Hardcorps Armor, Akira Softshell Armour, Akira Armor Co Soltan Battle Suit, Nerical Defensive Armor, RanCorp Riot Armor, RanCorp troop armor, SoftEdge Stealth Suit, Tactical Jacket, Veritane protective vest, Vetricon VC-5 Combat Armour, Vetricon VCB-5 Arm Bracers, Vetricon VCG-5 Leg greaves, Vetricon VCH-5 Combat Helmet, Vetricon VCV-5 Armour Vest, Black Nova Heavy Combat Armor, Iatt Armament Enhanced Stormtrooper Armor Shield System (ESASS), Imperial Engineering Blast Helmet/Blast Vest, Imperial Engineering Combat Armor, Light Combat Armor, Military SIPES, ALICE Combat Armor and Carrying Equipment, Selono Techniflex TASS Body Armor, Neogen Assault Trooper Body Armor with Uniform, Neogen Assault Trooper Body Armor, Otacon Industries Military Stealth Suit, Weapons Master AM-10 Medium Armor, Mithryl Fast-Attack Armor, Akira Shedim Powersuit, VerdanTech Skybounder Fast Attack Armour, Akira Wolf-3 Body Armour, Akira Wolf-5 Body Armour, Akira Wolf-6 Body Armour, Akira Wolf-7 Body Armour, Caedes Consortium M-6 Power Armour, Caedes Consortium M-7 Power Armour, Caedes Consortium M-8 Power Armour, Krail 311 Bounty Hunter Armor, Zealot Power Suit, Titan Technologies Abyss Heavy Combat Armor, C-524 Space Armor, Titan Technologies Devastator Heavy Combat Armor, Imperial Engineering Power Armor Suit, Titan Technologies Incinerator Heavy Combat Armor, Deathtek DK-Z BattleArmor, MetaCorp Jumptrooper Assault Armor, Imperial Development Dark Trooper: Phase 03 Heavy Power Armor, Merr-Sonn SC-Firebat Combat PowerSuit, Merr-Sonn SC-Marine Combat PowerSuit, Merr-Sonn SC-Medic Combat PowerSuit to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Page, all part of the ongoing process of recovering the DLOS stats.
        Well, we are around half way through the DLOS archives, and if I get another couple of weeks like last week, I'll be through it within the next month. There are another couple of smaller D/6 web sites which we can recover stuff from, but we are still looking for even more sites to recover. So if you can think of any, let us know and we'll do our best to get permission and to get those sites back.

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