Well, all the time I've spent mucking around adding stuff off DLOS, Hellstormer has been beavering away doing massive amounts of his fabulous conversions from Battlestar Galactica and Stargate, so in an effort to clear out the backlog that he's managed to create in my inbox today I've added Cylon Centurion, Cylon Civilian, Command Centurion, IL-series Cylon, Cylon Imperious Leader, Colonial Warrior and FIRAXAN SHARK to the Star Wars D/6 Character Section (the Firaxan Shark is a request we had that Hellstormer was kind enough to do for me), also Colonial Landram to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, Cylon Freighter, Colonial Shuttle II, Cylon Empire Multi-purpose Starfighter Model-HS4, Fang Viper Fighter, The Battlestar Galactica (as of War on Eden), The Ships of Lights, The Battlestar Pegasus, Goa uld Death Glider, Goa uld Needle Threader, Goa uld Al Kesh Bomber, Goa uld Ha Tak Mothership, Goa uld Tel tak to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, and Colonial Pressuresuit, Colonial Warriors Laser Pistol to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section.
I also uploaded some modified Stats he sent through for the Colonial Viper, Battlestar Galactica and Asp type Viper, and still have some more of his Macross stats to upload (but at least that's me got my unactioned emails down to less than a page again).