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30/March/2010 Posted by HellStormer1

Hellstormer here again, hello!  I've had a chance to sit down and finally do up the Battlestar Galactica (Re-imagined Series) and the Battlestar Pegasus (Re-imagined Series), both from the reimagined version of the seris from 2003 to 2008 (2009?).  These ships are both tough as nails and will give just as hard as they take on any given day.  While I am not a complete fan of the new series, many elements of it did hold my attention, but none of it more than the designs of all the new ships in the series.  I have been wanting to start these for a long while, and I'm glad to finally do so and share them with everyone.

   Not only that...I have found online many takes on different classes and models of colonial and cylon starships, enough to keep me busy for a while to come, and hopefully entertain you all as they come out.  I think you'll be impressed.  I wanted to do more, but it takes me forever these days to sit down and get stuff done, I thought I should hand out what I have and keep things going, showing that we are still active here on the site and that we love doing so when we can.

   Past that, I also look at some of my own older entries and see a lot of room for improvement.  So when I get a chance, I'll touch these up as time permits, and make them better (and much more organized, lol) than before.  Also, I added some extras to the D6 Firearms article, on the Firearms skill and specializations.  You can find it here at D6 FIREARMS v1.3.1 in the Supplements section.

   More Galactica to come, and I'm not just talking about the new series...did I ever mention that I found loads of concept art from Bryan Singer's attempt at a new Galactica series?  Bryan Singer, as in, "The Usual Suspects", "X-men" and "Superman Returns"?  He was the one given the reigns on reworking Galactica, before events of the time took him off the project.  Unfortunately, we got what it became...*FROWN!*...but nevertheless, the designs are good, and it got ratings and sold DVDs like crazy.  So I'll pump out material based on it, Singer's artwork, and even things I've found based upon the original series itself!

-hours later-

Oh no.  I goofed again.

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