Okay, its been nearly six months since I did something here, but I just paid to keep the site for another year so thought I'd better let everyone know what is going on.
Firstly rumour control, RPGGamer.org is not going to disappear, I'm in a job now, so the hosting and domain registration costs are easily covered (hell I could even get my employers to host the site and pay for the domain, but I prefer to keep my life and job somewhat seperate). In fact the site is safer now than when I had plenty of time to run it since while I was a student the cost for the site was nearly what I was living on each week.
Since I'm working now, my time is really cut down, and I have probably left myself hugely overextended which is why RPGGamer.org has had to suffer, during the last six months I've had a period of working two jobs at the same time, I am now developing another couple of projects, and am learning to drive, all of which leaves me with NO spare time.
However this is coming to an end, I'm only working one job, I've got my driving test date booked, etc, etc.
But on coming back to this site I find myself wondering what to do, today I removed the link to the guestbook, and deleted the 13,000 spam messages which had accrued in it over the last couple of months (I cleared it out in about february as well). I removed some crude hacking attempts from the Boot Hill section (fortunately L created very robust code for that section when he did it) and various other maintenance work.
But I find myself wondering if the backend code needs a complete reworking (as a full time PHP developer I look at my early work and find it crude to say the least), or if its `good enough` for the purpose for which it serves.
Anyway, thanks for all the emails over the last few months, I'll get back to everyone sometime soonish, and let me know what you think I should do.