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29/May/2011 Posted by HellStormer1

Hellstormer here again, people, and I got some goodies for you!

   First up, we have the Falcon in D6 Vehicles, D77H-TCI Pelican Dropship, Albatross, and D77C-NMPD Pelican Dropship, in D6 Starships, and M460 Automatic Grenade Launcher (M460 AGL) and M638 Autocannon in D6 Equipment, all under the Halo grouping.

   Next, something I've wanted to do for a long time ever since coming across Tantor, an NPC in several sourcebooks in the Star Wars D6 RPG.  This NPC was made as a bruiser character to give PCs trouble, but beyond this, information about his species, the Esoomians, has never really surfaced, either as stats or in any fluff form.  So I took some time to make some species stats for the Esoomians, looking for every scrap I could find, and adding a tidbit for filler.

   And last but not least.  I've had the opportunity these last few months to watch through the entire farscape series again.  Before, I'd never been able to watch all of it, and never saw The Peacekeeper Wars.  Now that I have, I felt an urge to take a crack at some ships from the farscape universe.  Peacekeeper Command Carrier, Peacekeeper Vigilante, Peacekeeper Pantak-class Vigilante, Peacekeeper Marauder and Peacekeeper Prowler are now added in Starships D6 under Farscape!  We also already have several races from Farscape in the Characters section if anyone is interested.

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