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June/2008 UPDATES

24/June/2008 Posted by Freddy

        Arrrrgh, just when you think you get everything organised it all goes to pot. No time today, I was on a small Scottish island due to my work yesterday, and lots of follow up work today (and my wedding anniversary tomorrow), meaning no time to skive around and update this site, however due to the much kindness of Alex Panzerkit, I've added Imperial Munitions Falconer II MAAAA to the Star Wars D/6 vehicles section, so many, many thanks to him.
        I'll try to do another Star Wars update this week, but if not I'll continue with the addition of new game stuff if at all possible.

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18/June/2008 Posted by Freddy

17/June/2008 Posted by Freddy

        Today I've added, Cybot Galactica J-75 Translator Droid to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment/Droids section, Cathar, Neti, Cerean, S’kytri, Tchuukthai to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Player Character Races section, Chrysalide Rancor to the Characters/Creatures section, Skye to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section all contributions by K, and Fero Xyn (Yuuzhan Vong Hunting Creature), Grutchin (Yuuzhan Vong Genetically Created Insect), Grutchin Symbiote (Yuuzhan Vong Genetically Created Insect), Grutchinya (Yuuzhan Vong Genetically Created Insect), Implanter (Yuuzhan Vong Surgical Crustacean), Yorik-Kul (Yuuzhan Vong organic control device) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Creatures section, and finally Yuuzhan Vong to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Player Character Species section, all contributions by Joe St Laurent.
        That final addition is a massive document describing the gods, society and castes that make up the Yuuzhan Vong, with seperate stats for all the different castes. While I've seen some fine versions of the Yuuzhan Vong on other sites, this is perhaps the most definitive version and a truly fantastic piece of work, many, many thanks to Joe for this and for allowing us to add it to the site.

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11/June/2008 Posted by Freddy

        Added a Babylon 5 RPG section, with Player character templates for 1st Level Drazi Telepath, Dulann Wind Swords (1st Level Minbari (Religious) Telepath (P8)) and 1st Level Narn Telepath.

        Also added a Farscape RPG section, with Non-Player Characters Pa’u Dan elle (Delvian Priest 10), Doctor Nygela (Hynerian Scientist 10), Joolushko Tunay Fento Hovalis (Interion Aristocrat 10_, Sikozu Svala Shanti Sugaysi Shanu (Kalish Tech 10), Ja F’arr (Luxan Warrior 10), Klara (Nebari Rogue 5 Warrior 5), Captain Klaudi Craine (Sebacean Commando 8 Diplomat 2) and Van Mauler (Vorcarian Commando 9 Warrior 3).

        All of which are contributions by K. Since both of these games are pretty much extinct, I guess that there won't be many updates to them (unless you know better), but its nice to expand our portfolio of games even more.

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11/June/2008 Posted by Freddy

        More StarGate SG1 stats, which I've actually organised a little better today, details of the campaign setting we're playing in added here StarGate SG-Alpha.
        Also added Capt. Elisabeth Campbell (US Army Psychological Operations Officer Pointman 4 (O-2)), Capt. Amy Jennings US Marine Transport Officer Wheelman 6 Ace 2 (O-3), Lt. Matt Daniels US Marine Infantry Officer Soldier 8 Grunt 4 (O-2), GySgt. Dwayne "Sarge" Johnson Enlisted Marine Force Reconnaissance Soldier 6 Fixer 4 Triggerman 8 (E-7), SSgt. John "Reaper" Grimm Enlisted Marine Force Reconnaissance Soldier 10 Grunt 2 (E-6), SSgt. Deobia "Destroyer" Oparei Enlisted Marine Recruit Soldier 7 Grunt 4 (E-6), SSgt. Ben "Goat" Daniels Enlisted Marine Force Reconnaissance Soldier 10 (E-6), SSgt. Dean "Portman" Portman Enlisted Marine Technician Soldier 3 Pointman 3 Scientist 4 (E-6), SSgt. Razaaq Adoti Enlisted Marine Force Reconnaissance Soldier 3 Scout 4 Ranger 4 (E-6), SSgt. Al "The Kid" Weaver Enlisted Marine Force Reconnaissance Soldier 5 Scout 1 Sniper 2 (E-6), SSgt. Kazuhiko "Mac" Takahashi Enlisted Marine Force Reconnaissance Martial Artist 9 Tactician 3 (E-6), Doctor Samantha "Sam" Grimm Civilian Specialist Scientist 7 Expert 3 (Grade 4), Colonel Giacinta "Jinx" Johnson NID Rogue Stargate Team Member Faceman 8 Scout 2 (O-6), Sydney Bristow NID Rogue Stargate Team Member Faceman 6 High Roller 2 Martial Artist 2 Soldier, MSgt. Richard Miller Enlisted Air Force Recruit Soldier 10 Sniper 10 (E-7), SSgt. Domingo Chavez Enlisted Marine Force Reconnaissance Soldier 5 Scout 1 Sniper 1 (E-6), Irina Derevko KGB (First Chief Directorate) Sleuth 4 Advocate 6 Profiler 10 (O-7), Col. Aidan Dempsey Officer Training Sandhurst Military Academy Pointman 6 Commander 3 Officer 3 (O-6), Capt. Caroline Walshe Counter-Intelligence Agency Training MI5 Security Service Pointman 6 Field Analyst 6 (O-2), SSgt. Henry “Henno” Garvie Enlisted Special Operations Special Air Service Soldier 10 Grunt 2 (E-6), Sgt. Pete Twamley Enlisted Special Operations Special Air Service Soldier 10 Grunt 2 (E-5), Cpl. Jamie Dow Enlisted Special Operations Special Air Service Soldier 10 Grunt 2 (E-4), Cpl. Rebecca "Becca" Gallagher Enlisted Special Operations Special Air Service Martial Artist 5 Counter-Terrorist 5 (E-4), Cpl. Dave Woolston Enlisted Special Operations Special Air Service Soldier 10 Grunt 2 (E-4), Cpl. Finn Younger Enlisted Special Operations Special Air Service Soldier 5 Scout 1 Sniper 3 (E-4), Cpl. Louis "Louie" Hoffman Enlisted Special Operations Special Air Service Soldier 5 Scout 4 (E-4), Col. L. Ferretti Air Force Officer Pointman 6 Officer 2 (O-6), Lt. Col. Leanne White, M.D. Air Force Pararescue Scientist 5 Field Medic 2 (O-5), Lt. Col. Murray Daniels Air Force Officer Explorer 4 Scientist 6 (O-5), Marshall Flinkman, PhD Civilian Specialist Scientist 9 (Grade 4), Aereon Tok’ra High Commander Pointman 6 Scientist 6, Diana "Cypher" Hyale Tok’ra Undercover Operative Scientist 5 Oracle 9 (O-7), Onuris Tok’ra Warrior Pointman 9 Ashrak 1 (E-4), Col. William "Bill" Kent US Army Law Enforcement Officer Sleuth 7 Detective 3 (O-5), W.O. Paul Brenner Army Officer Pointman 6 Scientist 1 Field Analyst 3 (W-3), MSG. Nathan West Enlisted Army Ranger Soldier 5 Pointman 2 Grunt 4 Trainer 4 (E-8), Arvin Sloane Corporate Raider Sleuth 2 Advocate 2 Scientist 1 Illuminati 10 Dai Lo 5 (O-7), Jack Bristow Home Office Pointman 10 Scientist 1 Field Analyst 3 Tactician 2 (O-7), Marcus Dixon Home Office Pointman 3 Faceman 2 Soldier 3 Troubleshooter 4 (O-5), Michael C. Vaughn Home Office Pointman 6 Faceman 2 Soldier 3 Field Analyst 1 (O-6), Eric Weiss CIA Directorate of Operations Pointman 6 Field Analyst 3 (O-6) and Nadia Santos Orphan Faceman 5 Provocateur 5 (O-4) to the StarGate SG1 section.
        As anyone looking through these stats will no-doubt have noticed, K is converting a lot of different characters from sources as diverse as James Bond and Alias to Sniper and Doom to the StarGate SG1 system, so a quick search on many of the characters will find far more fleshed out backgrounds for them on wikipedia and the like. Great work from K, many thanks to him for allowing me to put his work up on the site.

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10/June/2008 Posted by Freddy

        Well, after the bumper crop of StarGate SG1 stats that I put up last week (more to come later this week), Joe St Laurent has sent in a huge quantity of amazing Yuuzhan Vong stats which I've added today, as always, many, many thanks to him for all his truly fantastic work.
        Added today, Ooglith Masquer, Oozhith, Robeskin, Shaper Headdress and Vonduun Skerr Kyrric (Vonduun Crab Armour) to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment/Yuuzhan Vong Equipment section, and Bissop (Yuuzhan Vong Hunting Creature), Dora-Mu (Yuuzhan Vong Aquatic Creature), Dweebit (Yuuzhan Vong Biogenically Created Insect) and Orbalisk to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Creatures section, and Forsake Fear, Clarity of Focus, Psychometry, Dark Tendrils, Mechu-Deru, Mechu-Deru vitae, Doppelganger and Flow Walking to the Star Wars D/6 The Force/Jedi Powers section. A truly magnificent collection and effort by Joe.

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04/June/2008 Posted by Freddy

        Well, another poll is closed, and the majority of you seem to like the new look, we're still making changes, but good to know that we're not changing things for the worse.
        The full results were . . .

Do you like the new design of
Very much so !
 [tally] 33
Quite a lot !
 [tally] 24
Meh, its okay !
 [tally] 13
There's a new design?
 [tally] 5
Nope !
 [tally] 0
I hates it !
 [tally] 0
I really don't care.
 [tally] 2
 [tally] 2
votes: 79

        Oh, and last month was marginally busier than the previous month (by a whole 10 visitors), but excellent that not only didn't we slip backwards, but managed to continue growing (even if only by a tiny amount).
        A new poll is open, so go on, let me know what you'd like to see converted to Star Wars D/6, we've had Farscape and Elite requested in the past which we did (also someone requested Warhammer 40,000, but I never got around to it).

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04/June/2008 Posted by Freddy

        Today I've added a StarGate SG1 section to the site, and added the following stats to it, Lieutenant Colonel Simon Barker Air Force Officer Pointman 3 (O-5), Maj. Derek Aldan Air Force Pararescue Scientist 3 Explorer 1 (O-5), Sgt. Tom Highway Enlisted Marine Soldier 4 (E-6), PO2. Luis Alvarez Enlisted Navy SEAL Scout 4 (E-5), Specialist Lawrence Tureaud Enlisted Air Force Technician Pointman 2 Scientist 1 (Grade 4), Lt. Colonel Nathaniel Serling Army Officer Soldier 8 Officer 2 (O-5), TSgt. Matt Eversmann Enlisted Army Ranger Soldier 8 (E-6), TSgt. John Grimes Enlisted Army Ranger Soldier 7 (E-6), SSgt. Todd Blackburn Enlisted Army Ranger Pointman 3 Explorer 1 (E-5), Ull Asgard Protected Planets Enforcer Explorer 4 Scout 3 Valkyrie 3 (O-5), TSgt. Chris Sanchez Enlisted Army Ranger Soldier 6 Scout 1 Ranger 3 (E-6), Varia Near-Human Primitive Society Soldier 6 Scout 1 (E-6), Lothwyr Jaffa Horus Guard Guardian 7 (E-5), Commander Harmon "Harm" Rabb Naval Officer Wheelman 5 Explorer 2 Pointman 3 Ace 2 (O-5), Major Karen Emma Walden Air Force Officer Wheelman 5 Ace 1 (O-4), Col. Ira Kane, PhD Army Officer Scientist 10 (O-6), Lt. Cmdr. Ben "Bic" Gannon US Navy Close Air Support Officer Wheelman 6 Ace 4 (O-4), Lt. Cmdr. Kara "Guns" Wade Naval Officer Wheelman 6 Scientist 3 Ace 1 (O-4), Lt. Col. Sarah "Mac" MacKenzie Marine Officer Pointman 3 Explorer 2 Soldier 7 (O-5), Lt. Jeremy “Smoke” Stackhouse Naval Officer Wheelman 6 (O-3), Lt. Chris “Longhorn” Burnett Naval Officer Wheelman 6 (O-3), Spec. 6 Terry Thorne Diplomatic Corp Pointman 6 Field Analyst 3 Tactician 2 (Grade 6), Commander Robert "Bob" Iverson Naval Officer Wheelman 10 (O-5), Maj. Rebecca "Beck" Childs Air Force Officer Pointman 3 Scientist 2 Wheelman 1 (O-4), Commander Montgomery Scott Naval Officer Scientist 9 Expert 3 (O-5), Sgt. Brenda Mitchell Army Technician Soldier 10 (E-5), , CPO. Casey Ryback Enlisted SEAL Soldier 15 Martial Artist 2 Pointman 3 (E-7), PO1. Norm "Hoot" Gibson Enlisted Navy SEAL Scout 8 (E-6) and Col. Robert Moore US Army Psychological Operations Officer Pointman 5 Profiler 5 (O-5). Around 30 sets of stats with the same number still to come, all contributions from K (ripped with agreement from his website).

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03/June/2008 Posted by Freddy

        Well, so much for getting other sections done, the server where I store the material I'm going to use (I tend to keep everything online so its accessible from everywhere) has been unavailable for the past few days, so I haven't had access to that stuff. The good news is, Joe St Laurent has rescued me once again by sending through some wonderful Yuuzhan Vong stats which I've added today.
        Added today, Elite Cloak of Nuun, Command Cloak, Cloak of Nuun, Gablith Masquer, Glistaweb and Ooglith Cloaker to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section.
        Hopefully I'll have access to everything again by next week, and things can continue as normal.

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Page designed in Notepad, Logo`s done in Personal Paint on the Commodore Amiga
All text, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
Images stolen from an unknown website at some remote time in the past.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.