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September/2017 UPDATES

30/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Sorry been very busy today, I know I was supposed to be doing Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 1, but I haven't had the chance, and neither has my son who I've been watching all of these through with. So as a way of saying sorry, here's another Character from The Force Awakens. Zuvio, if you've not heard of him, Zuvio was supposed to have a much more major role in the movie, and they made an action figure for him which was sold in the months before the movie was released alongside Rey, Finn and Poe Dameron, but when the movie actually came out his role was cut down so much that he actually only features in 3 frames of the entire movie. Which makes him the most minor character in Star Wars to actually have an action figure made of them (even all the cantina people were on screen for a couple of seconds, rather than a tiny fraction of a second.

        So enjoy this most minor of characters with a whole load of history.


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29/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        It's day 7 of Force Awakens Week on, so in a final burst I've gone all First Order, and today I've added, First Order Stormtrooper Officer, First Order Stormtrooper, First Order Snowtrooper, First Order Riot control stormtrooper, First Order Megablaster heavy assault trooper, First Order Flametrooper, First Order TIE Fighter Pilot to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Non-Player Characters Section. And our major character of the day is Armitage Hux, General of the First Order (although he seemed more like an Admiral to me, but that's just me), who I've added to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Major Non-Player Characters Section.
        So, tomorrow back to The Clone Wars with a review of the first episode of Season 2.


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28/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Okay today was a ridiculously busy day, and at 10pm I'm sitting down for the first time since lunch time today, so not as many additions today as yesterday, and I've not really kept to my promise and I've chosen to do something a little easier given the limited time still available today.

        So day 6 of The Force Awakens week here on, and I've added the Blarina, the Dybrinthe, and the Teedo to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Species Section. All of which I'm hugely impressed with, the Special Abilities, and Story Factors all seemed to fall perfectly in place for these three. I've also added Guavian security soldiers to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Non-Player Characters Section. And todays Major NPC is Maz Kanata the Pirate Queen of the Galaxy, which I've added to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Major Non-Player Characters Section of the Site.

        So, tomorrow, I'm going to do a big roundup of different First Order Troop types, and General Armitage Hux. I guess Planets, plus a bunch of other NPC's aren't going to make it into Force Awakens week, as I intend to start doing Clone Wars Season 2 on Saturday. Please remind me not to be so stupid if I promise to stat out an entire film in a week again, it's avoidable pressure, and is just a sign of my crazy leaking out into the real world.


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27/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        And later that very night . . .
        I've now done the Character for the day, and as I mentioned yesterday, it's Phasma that I've added to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.

        Tomorrow probably Minor NPC's, so Stormtroopers and other Thugs.

        Also worth mentioning, since I've started doing the site, I've now added over 100 stats to the site, if we keep going at this pace, by the time we've got to the end of Clone Wars and Rebels, we're going to have added some 1200 stats to the site, which will be kind of impressive in its own way.


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27/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Day 5 of Force Awakens week on RPGGamer, and today it's weapons and equipment, so today I've added First Order stormtrooper armor, Guavian security Cybernetic armor, Antiseptic field generator, Z6 riot control baton, Eirriss Ryloth Defense Tech Glie-44 blaster pistol, SoroSuub Corporation JSP-14 pistol, LPA NN-14 blaster pistol, Sonn-Blas Corporation SE-44C blaster pistol, Snub-blaster, VT-33d blaster pistol, BlasTech Industries EL-16 blaster, BlasTech Industries EL-16HFE blaster rifle, Sonn-Blas Corporation F-11D blaster rifle, Huttsplitter blaster rifle, Tostovin Munitions Percussive cannon, Sonn-Blas Corporation FWMB-10 repeating blaster, D-93 Incinerator flamethrower and finally Crossguard lightsaber to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment section of the site. I'm especially proud of the First Order Stormtrooper Armor, I've included some ideas from an old editorial (Pockets) I wrote back in 2009 in which I mused about what a Stormtrooper carried in his utility belt. And now I've included some of the ideas I came up with.
        No character of the day yet as I've obviously been quite busy with the above list, we'll see if I get chance later on.


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26/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Day 4 of Force Awakens week on RPGGamer, and today I've done Droids, adding the BB-series Astromech Droid, First Order Sentry droid, GA servant droid, R-H029 sifter droid and SN-1F4 miniature sifter droid to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment/Droids Section of the Site.

        And today's hero is Poe Dameron, who I've added to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.

        Tomorrow I think I'll do Weapons and Equipment, with Planets and Minor NPC's to be done on the days remaining. And I'm considering for the Major Character, it'll be either Phasma, General Armitage Hux or Maz Kanata, depends on how I feel.


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25/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Day three of Force Awakens week on RPGGamer, and today I decided to do Creatures, so have added Barghest, Steelpecker, Happabore, Rathtar and Nightwatcher worm to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Creatures section of the site.

        And no hero today, the villain of the movie, Kylo Ren (as of The Force Awakens). I've had to assume a bunch of powers for him, as he doesn't use many during the film. And I've had to work around the fact that there's no power in the game that allows a character to hold a blaster bolt in place (or until I put one up later in this week). As always, these are just my opinions, if yours differ, then let me know and we can work something out.

        It's getting towards the middle of the week I decided to dedicate to The Force Awakens, and it's starting to look overly optimistic I'll be able to cover everything in just one week. The amount of work required to keep this up is massive, and I'm starting to think I was a total idiot to even attempt this. But I said I would, so I'm going to keep soldiering on. However, with 4 days left, and Weapons, Equipment, Minor NPC's, Droids, Planets and some Major Characters still to do, I don't think I'm going to get it all finished, unless I roll Weapons, Equipment and Droids into one massive daily update. We shall see how much of an idiot I was to attempt this in the next few days. . .


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24/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Day 2 of Force Awakens week on RPGGamer, and today I've done vehicles, adding Gian-211 patrol speeder, Jakku Raider Speeder, Reys Speeder, Aratech-Loratus Corporation Light Infantry Utility Vehicle (LUV), All Terrain Mobile Artillery (AT-MA) and All Terrain Patrol Droid (AT-PD). I'm not happy with the AT-MA and the AT-PD, as I had to guess too many of the details, as we don't know the weapons, or even size of these vehicles properly yet. However, as more information comes out, I'll revisit and update these.
        Todays hero of the day is Finn (as of The Force Awakens), I used some of the Clone Commanders as a basis for his skill set, since as a Stormtrooper he will share a lot of the training with them.
        As with yesterday, these are only my versions of all of these, and I appreciate any feedback. Yesterday it was pointed out I'd made a mistake in the Resurgent Class, so I updated that as soon as I was notified.
        Also I'd like to point out that the Star Wars D/6 system gathers groups of weapons on Capital Ships into Batteries, giving them bonus damage and fire control as all of these weapons fire at a single target in unison. This does mean that D/6 vessels appear to have less weapons than they should. For example, I put the weapons on the Resurgent Class into Batteries of 10, meaning that it is only listed as having 150 weapons, but described as having 1500. The system does this, to avoid having to make 1500 attack rolls (150 is bad enough).

        Tomorrow, as of this moment, I'm not sure what I'm going to do maybe equipment, but we'll see. And at the moment, I'm thinking the character of the day will be Kylo Ren.


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23/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        So, today begins Force Awakens Week on, and I'm starting off with Starships, so today I've added, the Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems Upsilon-class shuttle, the Corellian Engineering Corporation Baleen-class heavy freighter, the Subpro Quadrijet transfer spacetug, the Sienar-Jaemus Army Systems Atmospheric Assault Lander (AAL), the Slayn & Korpil Resistance transport. the Incom-FreiTek T-70 X-wing fighter, the Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems TIE/sf space superiority fighter, the Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems TIE/fo space superiority fighter and the Kuat-Entralla Engineering Resurgent-class Battlecruiser. And todays major character is the lead lady herself, Rey (as of Force Awakens).

        Any thoughts on these, please get in touch, they're only my opinions and I may have missed something, or may just be plain old wrong on something. So let me know. Back tomorrow, probably for vehicles, and probably with Finn, but we'll see how I feel when I get up in the morning.


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22/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        A few additions to the site today, based on yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 1 Episode 22: Hostage Crisis, so I've added the Holowan Mechanicals IG-86 sentinel droid and the LeisureMech Enterprises BD-3000 luxury droid to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment/Droids Section, and the Hyrotii Corporation ComfortRide passenger airspeeder to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section of the Site.

        And so ends the reviews of the first season of Clone Wars, and I'm going to take a 1 week break from The Clone Wars Series, and for the next week I'm going to Concentrate on Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens. I'm going to focus on one element of the movie each day, so Starships, Vehicles, Droids, Equipment, Characters and Planets. The hardest of these will obviously be the Characters, so I'm going to split them over the week, doing only one or two major characters each day, and on the day for characters, I'm going focus on Races, and generic character types such as Stormtroopers.

        If I keep to this pattern, then I'll do season 2 of Clone Wars, then Rogue One, season 3 of Clone Wars, then The Last Jedi (should be around February), Season 4 of Clone Wars, then we'll see what I feel like doing next, as I've got a desire to do the same for the Ewok Movies, and the Holiday Special, but it's too far away to be absolutely sure at the moment.


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20/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        From yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 1 Episode 21: Liberty on Ryloth, I've added the Baktoid Armor Workshop Hyena-class bomber to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, the BlasTech Industries DC-17 hand blaster, the BlasTech Industries LL-30 Blaster pistol and the Tenloss Syndicate BXR-2 Blaster Sniper Rifle to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment/Weapons Section, and the Blurrg to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Creatures Section of the Site.
        I've started to realise in the last couple of days that if I'm adding stats from every episode, at some point in Clone Wars, there will be episodes when there's absolutely nothing new in them. Not sure how I'm going to deal with that . . . .

        Updates continue across the site, with the side menu on the front page (usually over there ---> ) now showing comments in everything which can be commented on, rather than just stats (so now Editorials, Updates and Reviews as well), and some resizing of images across the site.

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18/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        A couple of sets of stats today, from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 1 Episode 20: Innocents of Ryloth, the Gutkurr, which I've added to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Creatures Section, and the Baktoid Armor Workshop E-5 Blaster rifle which I've added to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment/Weapon Section of the Site.

        There's also a couple of modifications to the site which I've been beavering away on this morning. Firstly if you look at the bottom right of this update, you'll see a link entitled "Comments", which allows you to click through and comment on each and every update since 2007. Also I've added sub-headings to the Reviews Section of the site, to stop it just becoming a long list of reviews, it can now be broken down more sensibly, allowing you to find individual reviews more easily. More modifications coming soon.


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16/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        I started to do 2 different vehicles from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 1 Episode 19: Storm over Ryloth, only to discover that I'd done both in the far distant past.
        I will be revisiting various stats as we discover more about them as the series goes on (for example we've learned that AT-TE's can climb sheer cliff faces so far), but that's for nearer the end of the series.
        So today all I can muster up is the Techno Union J-1 semi-autonomous proton cannon that I've added to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment/Artillery Section of the Site.


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15/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        The always brilliant Monk2024 has submitted another capital ship from his Kingdom of Jaresha, the King Hamon class Battleship, which I've added to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site. He also sent in a fix to his previous contribution the King Jasson class Heavy Cruiser. Many thanks to him for the absolutely brilliant work.


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14/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        A bunch of new stats today from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 1 Episode 18: Mystery of a Thousand Moons, so today I've added the Reeksa and Xandu creatures to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Creatures Section, the Diathim (Angels) species to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Player Character Species Section, the Envirosuit to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section and Iego (Planet of a Thousand Moons) to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section of the Site.


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12/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Another day when I've not added much, but today from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 1 Episode 17: The Blue Shadow Virus I've added SoroSuub Corporation S-130 Shelter Airspeeder to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section.
        I'm actually intrigued by this vehicle, as from it's description it's a mobile laboratory, designed to be dispatched to chemical and biological incidents. With a sealed air supply, laboratory and medical facilities, and obviously somewhere for the medical staff to sleep and eat, it's more of a mobile command centre than just a vehicle.
        I could definitely see an medical type adventure being based out of one of these, with players operating in the environment suits to get clues as to a disease or poison outbreak, allowing the medic in the party to come to the fore for once.


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10/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Just one today from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 1 Episode 16: The Hidden Enemy the Robolobotomy added to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section of the Site.


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08/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Only a couple of updates today from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 1 Episode 15: Trespass, the Bespin Motors CK-6 Swoop speeder bike to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, and the Clone cold assault trooper to the Star Wars Characters/Non-Player Characters Section of the Site.

        And, keeping with the theme of Dark Matter that Hellstormer and I have been on about for the last few days, Joseph Mallozzi has been posting over on his blog about how you can help save Dark Matter, so pop on over (here) and check out what he's saying and help save a great show. I'd consider it a personal favour as I really want to see what happens next.


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08/September/2017 Posted by HellStormer1

Hello everyone.  For Dark Matter, we now have One (Derrick Moss), Two (Portia Lin), Three (Marcus Boone), Four (Ryo Tetsuda), Five (Emily Kolburn), and Six (Kal Varrik)!  Still working on the Android, and there may be an issue with Four, but we'll get to it....[EDIT] Four's entry is fixed, and now we have The Android!  For the pilot episode of Dark Matter, we now have the Raza, the Marauder, and the whole crew!

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06/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        More updates from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 1 Episode 14: Defenders of Peace, the Lok Durd Armored Assault Tank (Defoliator Deployment Tank) (do you think they called it the DDT on purpose?), to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, the Arakyd Industries Viper Probe droid to the Star Wars Equipment/Droids Section, and the Carrier butterfly and the Lurmen to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Creatures and Player Character Species sections respectively.

        Many thanks to Hellstormer for dropping in and providing stats for The Marauder and The Raza from Dark Matter, the excellent series which was recently cancelled by Syfy, but this post by Joseph Mallozzi offers as he puts it "A glimmer of hope", fingers crossed.

        Ever since it started I've felt that Dark Matter is one of the most RPG like television series out there. With the characters starting with all their skills, but no knowledge of the setting or their own backgrounds (much like a Player Character in an RPG). The amount of inter party rivalry and bickering I also felt almost exactly matches the banter around a game table. I've loved this series, the characters were amazing, the setting well done, and the use of the technology they established throughout the series thoughtful and ingenious. If you liked this series, have a read through the post by Joseph Mallozzi, and join in with his plan if you can, it may help other networks pay attention and save this series before the cast needs to move on and the sets are torn down. It's a glimmer of hope, but one that needs us to help out.


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04/September/2017 Posted by HellStormer1

Hello. Long time, no see. Hope everyone is doing well. So....recently a fave series of mine (and yours I'd imagine) was cancelled on Syfy. Dark Matter. In honor of that series, I've crawled out from under my rock to do something special to honor the series. I give you The Marauder and The Raza. Also, shout out to Alex P, David A, Simon L, Brian C, B B, and anyone else it may concern. You guys emailed me stats and I never got around to getting those up. I just now dug into my email, found your emails, saved them to a folder, and I was just now going to go through them and begin uploading them and adding to this update, BUT, the link for pics in the first one wasn't working. So, thought it might be better to give you guys a shout out, and ask for that pic info, if you have it or can find it, and get it to me, so I can get your stuff up, and do it justice. I'll wait a few weeks, maybe longer, just in case. If I upload your stuff and there is no pic, it's ok, just get a hold of me and we'll get it done.

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04/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Various updates from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 1 Episode 13: Jedi Crash, the Baktoid Combat Automata B2-RP series rocket droid and Baktoid Combat Automata T-series tactical droid added to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment/Droids section of the site, and Maridun added to the Star Wars D/6 Planets section of the site.


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03/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        Getting pretty darn stoked for this, have loved the series so far, and although sad to see the final season, I hope that since they know it's the final season they're getting to finish it off properly.


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02/September/2017 Posted by Freddy

        A bunch today from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 1 Episode 12: The Gungan General, a little surprising so much came from such a flawed episode. So today I've added Haor Chall Engineering Flarestar-class attack shuttle to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, the Ubrikkian Ord Pedrova WLO-5 speeder tank to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, the Skalder to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Creatures Section, and Florrum and Vanqor to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section of the Site. Enjoy.


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