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May/2021 UPDATES

30/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        And so we reach the end of the first set of Infinities tales, with Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope 4, so onto The Empire Strikes Back tomorrow. Today based on this we've added, Emperors Royal Guard (Infinities Human Force User) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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29/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        So we've got the latest episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, with our review of Season 1 Episode 5: Rampage. Which is perhaps the most unexpected origin story I've ever seen, and while I'm generally not a fan of origin stories at all, this was at least pretty darn entertaining.


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27/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        And we're onto Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope 3 as we work our way through the Infinities comics. And today we've added Imperial Senator Leia Organa (Infinities: Human Sith Lady) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
        Now since this is basically Leia falling to the Dark Side instead of Luke almost doing it during the events of Return of the Jedi, I've taken Leia`s stats from the RotJ Galaxy guide and mashed them together with Luke`s from that time period.


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25/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        So we're onto Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope 2, and once again it's mainly following the plot of A New Hope and now The Empire Strikes Back, so there's nothing really new to add. So I noticed that we'd never done an updated version of the Imperial II Star Destroyer, using more up to date information than was available to West End Games. So today we've added Kuat Drive Yards Imperial II-class Star Destroyer to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.
        One of my old complaints about the West End Games sourcebooks was that they reprinted the same stats over and over, and one of my main complaints was the Star Destroyer. After all how many times did you need the same ship as was printed in the main rulebook.
        What I noticed in doing todays is that their sin was slightly worse than I thought, as the stats which they always reprinted was the Imperial I version, and the only place I could find the Imperial II was in the Imperial Sourcebook. Now obviously as soon as I found it, I stopped looking, but I kind of expected it in a number of post Endor sourcebooks, such as the Thrawn trilogy (nope), Jedi Academy (nope), Dark Empire (nope) or Truce at Bakura (nope). So it turns out the Imperial II, like the Lambda class, was one of the rarer sets of stats.


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23/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        So starting a new series today, and we're going to work our way through the 12 issues of the Star Wars Infinities series. Now these are alternate universe versions of the Original Trilogy, where some minor change has major repercussions on the plot, so we're starting with Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope 1. Now since this issue is mainly a retelling of A New Hope, followed by only slight deviation from the plot, there wasn't much new to add, although I did notice that we'd never added the Gallofree Yards, Inc. GR-75 medium transport to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.
        Now these stats are really close to those for the Bright Hope, as given in the Star Wars Trilogy Sourcebook, Special Edition by West End Games in 1997, but looking through my collection I couldn't find the stats for the base ship given anywhere. So using the Bright Hope, and the information from Wookieepedia I've created todays addition.


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22/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        I know we only started a new series with a first review, but it's saturday and time for our weekly The Bad Batch review with Season 1 Episode 4: Cornered, back with some stats tomorrow.


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19/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        A couple of last pieces of mopping up of Star Wars: Squadrons, today we've added the BFF-1 Bulk Freighter to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, & Abednedo to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section of the Site.


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18/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        Just doing some tidying up of things left over from Star Wars: Squadrons, so today we've added the Ringali Nebula, Galitan, Nadiri Dockyards, Esseles, & Desevro to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section of the Site.


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17/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        Well this months issue of The High Republic is out and reviewed, The High Republic 5, and we've added Myarga the Benevolent (Hutt Cartel Representitive) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site based on it.

        I'm beginning to wonder if that's the future of the site, reviewing Star Wars content as it's released and adding stats based on it, rather than these larger projects of delving back into older material. Anyway a few things to polish off for Star Wars: Squadrons tomorrow, then onto something else, and unless I change my mind, it's going to be a shorter run of comics anyway.


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15/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        And we've put up our next review of Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 with Episode 3: Replacements..
        Back tomorrow with a review of the next issue of The High Republic.


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14/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        And we're onto the final level of Star Wars: Squadrons, with our review of the level Mission 14: Last Flight of the Starhawk. Today we've added Thorn (Human Imperial Spy) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, & Hangar deck scrubber droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section of the Site.
        Tomorrow we'll have our review of the next episode of The Bad Batch, and then on Sunday we'll either mop up anything left over from Squadrons, or move onto this months issue of The High Republic.


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12/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        Onto the second last mission as we play through Star Wars: Squadrons, with our review of Mission 13: Fire in the Heart. And today we've added Ardo Barodai (Mon Calamari Rebel Officer), Zerelda Sage (Human Rebel Engineer), LT-514 (Human Imperial Controller), & Willard Waylin (Human Imperial Engineer) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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10/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        Continuing towards the end of Star Wars: Squadrons with our review of Mission 12: Rally the New Republic, and today we've added Feresk Tssat (Trandoshan Rebel Pilot), Keo Venzee (Mirialan Rebel Pilot), Shen (Human Tie Fighter Pilot), & Havina Vonreg (Human Tie Fighter Pilot) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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08/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        Well our review of the next episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 is up, with Episode 2: Cut and Run. Now we'll be back to Star Wars: Squadrons stuff for the next few days until the next episode next week, and we'll also have our review of the next issue of The High Republic comic series due soon as well. It's a good time to be a Star Wars fan indeed with so much content to cover.


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07/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        So we're back onto Star Wars: Squadrons, with the next level, MIssion 11: Nowhere to Stand. And we're now onto your squad mates on both sides, and have added Squadron Leader Kierah Koovah (Mimbanese Rebel Pilot), Gracalia Vatara Sienar (Human Rebel Pilot), Captain Varko Grey (Human Tie Fighter Pilot), & Rella Sol (Human Tie Fighter Pilot) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
        So tomorrow we should have a review of the next episode of The Bad Batch (unless it's just a rebroadcast of the second half of the first episode), but after that we'll be back onto Squadrons which should take us through to completing the game over the next few days.


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05/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        So the first episode of The Bad Batch was broadcast yesterday, and I've watched it and reviewed it here, Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 1: Aftermath. Now as mentioned yesterday, I'll not be doing stats for the episodes until the season is over, so back to Squadrons tomorrow. But worth of note is that the second episode is due to be broadcast on Friday, so on Saturday we'll be bringing you the review of that.


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04/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

May the Fourth be with you, Happy Star Wars Day

        Today we reach Mission 10: Terisas Vengeance as we continue through Star Wars: Squadrons, and having completed adding all the Starfighters from the game, today we begin mopping up everything else, starting with adding the Mimbanese to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section, & Captain Terisa Kerrill (Human Imperial Officer), Lindon Javes (Human Rebel Officer) & Colonel Gralm (Human Imperial Officer) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site. With obviously many more to go.

        So with today being "Star Wars Day", and the release of the first episode of The Bad Batch, I'll be watching it and adding my review tomorrow, before returning to Squadrons after that. And that's how we'll be handling the episodes, adding the reviews the day after release, keeping to the way we've handled new Star Wars series for the past couple of years, by doing the reviews pretty much live with the series, and then adding all the stats in a batch when the final episode has been broadcast in 16 weeks time (just in case anything major is revealed about them during the rest of the run of the series). So see you then.


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02/May/2021 Posted by Freddy

        And as we reach MIssion 9: Chaos at Mon Cala as we continue our playthrough of Star Wars: Squadrons, we've added the last of the Starfighters from the game, the Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/D Defender (squadrons) to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site. And from tomorrow we'll be added the pilots and characters from the game.


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Page designed in Notepad, Logo`s done in Personal Paint on the Commodore Amiga
All text, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
Images stolen from an unknown website at some remote time in the past.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.