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January/2021 UPDATES

31/January/2021 Posted by Freddy

        So we've reached the end of Dark Empire II, with our review of Dark Empire II 6: Hand of Darkness. But due to a death in the family I'm not going to be able to do Empires End for a week or so. So instead of doing a massive batch of updates today, I'm going to stagger them over the next few days until I have to leave to travel to the funeral.
        So todays batch of updates are, Kvag Gthull (Human Dark Side Adept / Interrogator), Major Ntthan (Human New Republic Officer), Shug Ninx (Human Smuggler), & Salla Zend (Human Smuggler) all added to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
        Salla Zend and Shug Ninx are both based on the stats from the Dark Empire Sourcebook by West End Games, and I have to admit the name Shug Ninx has been amusing me knowing that Cam Kennedy who helped create Dark Empire is a fellow Scot, since Shug is a generic name used to address someone in Scotland used when you don't know their name "Hey Shug, can you tell me the way to Sauchiehall street?" (Shuggie is also often used).


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29/January/2021 Posted by Freddy

        Today we've got our review of Dark Empire II 5: The Galaxy Weapon, and we've added Umak Leth (Human Scientist), Xecr Nist (Human Dark Side Adept), Tedryn-Sha (Human Dark Side Adept), & Ussor (Ganathan Captain) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Tripod laser to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section, & Chrysalide to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section of the Site.

        Just a couple of comments, firstly, SO MANY DARK SIDE ADEPTS! Dark Empire just has so many Dark Side Adepts, the prequels state "Only 2 there are, a Master and an Apprentice". Well, I've done 6 Dark Siders in Dark Empire 2 alone, and I'm pretty sure I've missed some. So much for the rule of two. Secondly, the Chrysalide is an updated version of the Chrysalide Rancor which has been on the site since it's early days, I've updated the stats slightly, as the 6D strength + 3D Damage on a Walker Scale Creature was ridiculous, but also because I'm curious. As part of the Google Advertising on the site, I get status reports on what content is allowed and which isn't. Sometimes these reports are strange (last week I was told the Characters menu was blocked due to Sexual Content, which I appealed and won), but every week I get told that the Chrysalide Rancor, and the Florn Lamproid are both blocked due to "Shocking Content", despite them both being from movies which were (at least here in the UK) rated as Universal, so watchable by children. Anyway, I'll be intrigued to see whether the new version gets banned too.


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27/January/2021 Posted by Freddy

        And we're past the halfway mark of Dark Empire 2, with our review of Dark Empire II 4: Battle on Byss. And today we've added Bespin Bandit, & Robida Colossus to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, & Griff (Human Republic Soldier), & Zevulon Veers (Human Republic Officer) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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25/January/2021 Posted by Freddy

        Today there's a bumper crop of stats from Dark Empire II 3: World of the Ancient Sith, and we've added Ysanna, & Projectile Guidance to the Star Wars D/6 The Force Section, Concussion bow to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section, Salvager Three, Jedi Explorer, & Imperial hunter to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, Sa-Di (Human Dark Side Adept), Nefta (Humanoid Dark Side Adept), & Sedriss QL (Human Imperial Executor) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, & T-77 Experimental Airspeeder to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicless Section of the Site.

        I maybe got a little overexcited with all of the stats today (so don't expect so many every day), as I've used the Ysanna before. I've mentioned before that I once ran a Force Users campaign, where members of different types of Force Users came together to deal with a threat to The Force itself. So players could play as Jedi, Teepo Paladins, Shimuran Monks, etc, and one of the options I made available was the Ysanna, who don't use Lightsabers, but instead use the force to guide Arrows towards their targets. So I also made the Projectile Guidance force power, which adds their Sense to their combat skill (as Lightsaber Combat does) and their Control to the weapons damage (as Lightsaber Combat does). And while it allows the user to attack at long ranges (unlike Lightsaber Combat) it offers no help to defence, making the Ysanna (or other users of it) vulnerable at close range.


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23/January/2021 Posted by Freddy

        And onto the second issue of this second series of Dark Empire, with our review of Dark Empire II 2: Duel on Nar Shaddaa. And today we've added Baddon Fass (Human Dark Side Adept), Zasm Katth (Human Dark Side Adept), Grath (Human Imperial Dark Trooper), & Warb (Human Pirate Technician) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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21/January/2021 Posted by Freddy

        And so we're onto the second series of Dark Empire Comics, which also takes us to the mid point of this series, with our review of Dark Empire II 1: Operation Shadow Hand. And today we've added Imperial Department of Military Research World Devastator, & Imperial Department of Military Research Imperial Shadow Droid to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, Balmorran Arms SD-10 battle droid, & Balmorran Arms SD-9-series battle droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section, Balmorran Arms X-1 Viper Battle Automadon to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, & Balmorra to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section of the Site.
        I've based the World Devastator on the stats for the Silencer 7 from the Dark Empire Sourcebook by West End Games, although I modified the stats slightly, especially the Starfighter defense turrets which previously did 8D damage which I though was a bit high.


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19/January/2021 Posted by Freddy

        Something a little different today, as we cover the new Star Wars era, The High Republic, by reviewing the first issue of the comic book set in this era, The High Republic 1. And today we've added based on this Ridadi (Star-Locust) to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section, Shuraden to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section, & Valkeri Enterprises Jedi Vector Starfighter, & Incom Corporation Z-28 Skywing Starfighter to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.
        Tomorrow we'll be back to the Dark Empire Series, with Dark Empire II 1: Operation Shadow Hand, but I'll return to the High Republic era and cover the first few issues of the comic at least, maybe more depending on how the story grabs me.


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17/January/2021 Posted by Freddy

        And after a short break for personal reasons (a death in the family), we reach the final part of Dark Empire, with our review of Dark Empire 6: The Fate of a Galaxy. And today we've added Deppo (Human Imperial Technician) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Kuat Drive Yards A-9 Vigilance Interceptor to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, Hydrospeare Corporation AQ-5 Waveskimmer, & SedriMotors Ltd. Amphibion to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, & Byss to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section of the Site.
        Many of these are based on the Dark Empire Sourcebook by West End Games, but in some places I've varied quite a bit from what they created. For example the Waveskimmer had Light Blaster Cannons which did 2D Walker Scale damage, I dropped those to Speeder Scale and increased the damage, so that they can hit targets more easily, making them not particularly more damaging, but far more useful. And I found the stats for Deppo, an engineer who in just one frame of the comics, the sourcebook gave him skills in the 10D range. I lowered them, as although he is described as a skilled engineer there's nothing to say that he's the best in the entire sector (as 10D is described in the Star Wars rulebook).
        Although I'm working my way through Dark Empire at the moment, I read the first issue of the High Republic comic series yesterday, and thought it might be interesting to jump over to that series just as a one off, to see what's happening in Lucasfilms new time period.


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13/January/2021 Posted by Freddy

        And today we've got our review of Dark Empire 5: Emperor Reborn, and we've added Lo Khan (Human Smuggler), & Luwingo (Yaka Cyborg Smuggler) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Arakyd Industries Hunter-Killer Probot to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, & Uulshos Storm Skimmer Patrol Sled to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section.
        These are mainly based on the Dark Empire Sourcebook from West End Games.


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11/January/2021 Posted by Freddy

        And we're onto Dark Empire 4: Confrontation on the Smugglers Moon as we continue through this series. And today we've added Mako Spince (Human Traffic Controller / Ex-Smuggler), Titus Klev (Human Imperial Officer), & ZZ-4Z (Droid Butler) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Ubrikkian Industries Seltiss-2 caravel to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, & Tion Mil/Sci Industries Guardian-class patrol ship XL-5, & Gefferon Pleasure Craft Nimbus Rider 2000 to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section of the Site.
        Now most of the stats I've been doing for Dark Empire have been based on the Dark Empire Sourcebook by West End Games. But today I've abandoned this, as I looked at the stats for Mako Spince, supposedly a Smuggling Partner of Han Solo, and while I'm aware his attributes are lowered by him being crippled, but a 3D Blaster Skill? So I've pretty much ignored the stats from Dark Empire and gone my own way.


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10/January/2021 Posted by HellStormer1


Hi. Long time, no see. So, long-term details aside, lately I've been playing Star Trek Online. Actually, I've been slowly getting back into Star Trek over the course of many years. And recently, playing this game motivated me to sit down and take a crack at some ideas I've had in my head for some time now. So, here's a few of them for the rest of you to enjoy!

Star Trek D6 Era Modifier Chart (Plus), Rules Option: Missile Weapons & Range, and Rules Option: Starfighters VS Capital Ships have been added in Supplements D6. It's not much, there's more I'm tinkering with, but how much these options can affect your D6 games goes pretty deep. The Star Trek Era Modifier Chart of course seems setting-specific at a glance, but I added some extra stuff that would work in any scifi setting, such as guidelines for starship refits and retrofits. The chart itself is based on an Era Modifier chart found in the first few pages of Star Wars Galaxy Guide 16 The Old Republic. A quick google search should find this book, published by The Rancor Pit, and hopefully the other works they've created and published over time, all good stuff that enriches the Star Wars D6 setting and rules.

The two rules options are more generalized, though Missile Weapons & Range was done with how Photon Torpedoes work in Star Trek and Star Trek Online and attempts to provide a balanced option to alter their use in Star Wars D6, while Starfighters VS Capital Ships attempts to rework how these two scales work and affect each other in combat, yet once understood should make it pretty easy to apply and use. One of the inspirations for it was the Guns Modifier Chart found in Star Wars Rules Companion which takes capital ships and makes them simple and easy to use in space combat. This rules option attempts to do the same with starfighter squadrons, starfighters vs CapShip events and flow, and still keep things simple (if it's NOT simple, leave a comment, I'll try and keep up with those after the post for a few weeks, and explain any questions that pop up).

So, yeah....hope everyone is doing well after how the past year is gone, and I hope you enjoy these uploads and they help enrich your games.

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09/January/2021 Posted by Freddy

        And we're onto part 3 of Dark Empire, with our review of Dark Empire 3: The Battle for Calamari. And today we've added Kane Griggs (New Republic Navigator), Anky Fremp (Skup Thief), Spurch (Warthog) Goa (Diollan Bounty Hunter), & Dyyz (Megadeath) Nataz (Human Bounty Hunter) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, & Allegiance-Class Battlecruiser to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.
        The Alliegence is described as having no ventral hangar, so having no Fighter or Ground Forces complement, however I have given it a small complement of both, as the vessel must have some kind of hangars (since this isn't Star Trek and they can't just beam aboard), so carrying some transport ships and a few fighters seems likely. So I know this contradicts canon, but was a design choice based on what seemed sensible.


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07/January/2021 Posted by Freddy

        And we're onto the second issue of the first Dark Empire series of comics, with our review of Dark Empire 2: Devastator of Worlds. And today we've added Gwellib Ap-Llewff (Dark Side Adept), & Savuud Thimram (Human Dark Side Adept) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Da Soocha V to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section, & MandalMotors / Rendili StarDrive’s Lictor-class Dungeon Ship to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.
        Once again these are heavily based on the Dark Empire Sourcebook by West End Games. In some cases they're virtually the same, only with some omissions covered (Savuud Thimram for example is described as having a Force Pike, then there isn't one in his equipment, and the energy containment for Jedi on the Dungeon Ships), so credit to the original source material for their sterling work.


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05/January/2021 Posted by Freddy

        And so we begin a new series to cover, and we're going to do the Dark Empire series of comics. As although the original Dark Empire was covered by a sourcebook by West End Games, the sequels, Dark Empire II and Empires End were not. So over the next month or so we're going to work our way through this series.
        So today we've got our review of Dark Empire 1: The Destiny of a Jedi, and we've added Syub Snunb (Sullustan Captain), & Huoba Neva (Sullustan Navy Commander) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Arakyd Industries XR-85 Tank Droid, & Sienar Army Systems Century Tank to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, Weapons Droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section, & Incom Corporation I-7 Howlrunner to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.
        A number of these are based on the stats already published in the Dark Empire Sourcebook, but they've been updated due to later information.


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01/January/2021 Posted by Freddy

Happy New Year 2021

        Nothing added today, although I swapped out the picture of Rothgar Deng (Bounty Hunter) for a better one. Not sure why, since I don't tend to do that kind of thing, but it's a much better full length image.


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All text, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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