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May/2019 UPDATES

31/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

RPG Hints: Running a Star Wars Campaign

        Over the past few episodes we've covered choosing a system and campaign setting, creating your world and populating it with NPC's, and writing adventures.
        And I've left for this final part in this series the somewhat nebulous heading of Running the Campaign.

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31/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        A bunch of additions to the site today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 79: The Big Con. Today we've added Lemo & Sanda to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Arcan IV to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section, The Cobra & Sienar Fleet Systems Mu-2 Class long range shuttle to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, and Hover car to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section of the Site.


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29/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        A few additions to the site today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 78: Hoth Stuff!. Today we've added Arns Grimraker & Barlon Hightower to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, SoroSuub Gun Tug to the Star Wars D/6 Starship Section and Heat stick to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section of the Site.

        I didn't do Wedge Antilles or Wes Janson, as they are covered in official materials. But I was wondering if I should do them as their alternate "Marvel Comics" versions, can you let me know what you think?


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27/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Star Ace

        Star Ace is a role-playing game published by Pacesetter Ltd in 1984. The players are members of a Star Team to restore the Alliance to control of the galaxy against the "Empire". They fly starfighters, use a mystic energy force, and have sentient bears as members of the team. Basically it's Star Wars with the serial numbers filed off.

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27/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Only one addition to the site today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 77: Chanteuse of the Stars.... Today we've added Kabray + Kabray Station to the Star Wars D/6 Planets + Places Section of the Site.


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24/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

Just to let you know that the YT-Series Space Transport Designer has been updated, and there's now over 130 options available to design your own Corellian YT-Series Space Transport.

And there's now an Ugly Starfighter Workshop, which has far more complicated code, but far less options, allowing you to mash together a bunch of fighters and make some really ugly monstrosities.

Oh, and both now support the version of the RPG by Fantasy Flight Games.


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24/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        I know it's just an advert, but this is pretty awesome, and Hank and the gang finally get home.
        Makes me happy.


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24/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Today we've got the concluding part of the Iskalon Storyline, so a few things to wrap up with it, generally based on the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 76: Artoo Detoo to the Rescue. Today we've added, K-3PX, Kiro & Aquatic Assault Stormtrooper to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Chiaki to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section and Cybot Galactica 3PX-series protocol droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section of the Site.


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24/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

RPG Hints: Star Wars RPG Campaign: Creating your Villain & Writing Adventures

        Continuing our series RPG Hints, with how to Gamesmaster a Star Wars RPG Campaign.

        Last time we covered creating your party, so this time we move onto creating your villain, and writing adventures in the Star Wars Universe.

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22/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

Star Wars Fall of the Order

        Wanted to give this a shout out, Star Wars Fall of the Order, a Star Wars D/6 Podcast, where you listen in to a group of players taking part in a Rise of the Empire era campaign. It's easy listening, and a whole load of fun.
        Personally I'm listening to it over on their Youtube, since that's how I tend to listen to stuff, but they're only up to session 6 on Youtube, and are far further on their Podcast.
        Anyway, great stuff, highly recommended by me.


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22/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

News & Stuff

I've been really behind on my RPG news updates, so going to throw a bunch into one big update . . . .

Fantasy Flight games announced Allies and Adversaries for the Genesys-system based Star Wars RPG. The book collects profiles and stat blocks for major characters throughout all eras of the Star Wars fiction, which makes this a great accessory for any of the Star Wars games. Over 130 NPCs are profiled in the book, including Emperor Palpatine, Boba Fett, Jyn Erso, Wicket, and more. The book goes beyond simple stat blocks and gives gamemasters full backgrounds, motivations, tips, and everything else needed to utilize these characters to their fullest potential. The book will be available in the second quarter of 2019 with a retail price of $39.95.

Which is kind of timely, as I've been considering covering the Genesys version of the rules on the site, but if they're publishing stuff like this, then there's no need.

Fantasy Flight games announced A new Dungeons & Dragons starter set was announced at the New York Toy Fair, a licensed tie-in with the Netflix television show Stranger Things. The set has similar features to the existing Starter Set (a set of polyhedral dice, streamlined D&D 5e rules for playing Levels 1-5, etc.), though this version will include two figures of the Demogorgon featured in the show, pre-generated characters based on the ones in Mike’s game, and an adventure “Hunt for the Thessalhydra” also written by Mike. What’s interesting about this box set in particular is that the publisher isn’t Wizards of the Coast, but Hasbro Gaming (though the Wizards logo is on the box). The set is available for pre-order now with a retail price of $24.99 and a release date of May 1, 2019, putting it on store shelves a couple months before the July 4, 2019, release of the third season of Stranger Things on Netflix.

Someone created the NASA Mars Rover Opportunity for D&D with is nice, but annoying they couldn't fit in the iconic "My battery is low and it's getting dark".

This the kind of stupid thing I spend time on, although I wish it was a random generator just to click on. The Royal Name Generator. Mine is "The Serene Viscount of ???, The Conqueror, Reaper of the 4 Seas. Which sounds as ridiculous as any real one.

Modiphius will develop and publish two tabletop RPG titles: the first expanding on the narrative wargame experience of Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, their licensed tabletop miniatures game, while a second more traditional tabletop RPG will follow using the company’s 2d20 System.

It'll be interesting to see how they utilise Special (Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck) in it, because if they don't, it's not worth publishing. Seems odd that a game based on GURPS, will now be published under a different set of rules.

RPG Encounters is a free web app designed to work with and sync between all your devices. It's kind of what we're trying to do with BeyondD6, so definitely worth a look.


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22/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        A bunch of additions to the site today, all based on the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 75: Tidal. Today we've added the Iskalonian Water tank to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section, Iskalonian Stinger to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section, Kendle, Prince Mone & Admiral Griggor Tower to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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20/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Rifts Manhunter

        The only official RIFT product licensed by Palladium Books, this sourcebook brings the Manhunter universe in RIFTS.
        Rifts Manhunter is set in a universe where during an interstellar war, an alien race created a race of war robots, the Manhunters, to destroy humanity. The war ended, but the Manhunters refused to stand down. Now Humans and other races like the cat-like Kirn, Wolf-like Ular, Lizard-like Turzig, and Insect-like Shigat have formed a peaceful alliance which is still menaced by the Manhunters.

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20/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        The start of a multi issue story, so I'm pacing myself a little this time rather than struggling to find anything to add for the final issue. Today we've got a few additions to the site based on the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 74: The Iskalon Effect. Today we've added Iskalonian to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section, and Telfrey, Gamandar & Iskalon to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section of the Site.


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19/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Everytime I think I'm about done with the upgrade to the YT-Designer, or finish off the Ugly Workshop, I think of something else to add, and sit up until the early hours of the morning in photoshop and code adding it.
        The YT-Designer has gone from having 64 options, to having 126. The Ugly Workshop by comparison, is far more simplistic, only allowing a body and engines/wings to be combined into one vessel.

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18/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Obviously I'm fairly excited for the release of issue 108 of the Marvel Comics series, due to be released in just a couple of weeks (long before I'm due to reach it and review it). But especially loved this variant cover for it, very much in the style of the old Kenner (Palitoy in the UK) action figures. It won't be the cover I use when I get around to reviewing the issue in just a couple of months, but wanted to show it anyway.


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18/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        A few additions to the site today based on the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 73: Lahsbane. Today we've added Lahsbee/Huhk to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section, Delta-class Imperial shuttle to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, and Lahsbane to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section of the Site.


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17/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

RPG Hints: Designing and Running a Star Wars RPG Campaign: Part 3: Creating your Party

        Continuing our series RPG Hints, with how to Gamesmaster a Star Wars RPG Campaign.
        Last time we went through building your campaign and worldbuilding, especially with Non-Player Characters.

    This time we'll be covering :
        Building your party, concentrating on ensuring all of the vital roles are filled within the group.

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16/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        As with any story which remains in one location for several issues, I pretty much exhausted all of the content during the heroes visit to Stenos, so was pretty stuck to find something from the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 72: Fools Bounty. But today I've added the Zeltron species to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section of the Site.


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14/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Just a couple of additions to the site today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 71: Return to Stenos. Today we've added Barpotomous Drebble to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and the Stenax to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section of the Site.


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13/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Earthdawn

        Earthdawn is a fantasy role-playing game, originally produced by FASA in 1993.
        Like many role-playing games from the nineties, Earthdawn focuses much of its detail on its setting, a province called Barsaive.
        In Barsaive, magic, like many things in nature, goes through cycles. As the magic level rises, it allows alien creatures called Horrors to cross from their distant, otherworldly dimension into our own. The Horrors come in an almost infinite variety—from simple eating machines that devour all they encounter, to incredibly intelligent and cunning foes that feed off the negative emotions they inspire in their prey.

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12/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        A few additions to the site today based on the subject of yesterdays review of, Marvel Star Wars Issue 70: The Stenax Shuffle. Today we've added Chihdo, Dani, Rik Duel & Quorl Matrin to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, & Stenos to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section of the Site.
        While I'm fairly sure I've got Chihdo and Rik Duel right, on writing up Dani I found that she features heavily in a lot of comics which I've obviously not read yet, so I've tried to include as much as possible from Wookieepedia, but I may need to return and update her character as I read further.


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10/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

RPG Hints: Designing and Running a Star Wars RPG Campaign: Part 2

        Continuing our series RPG Hints, with how to Gamesmaster a Star Wars RPG Campaign.
        Last time we went through

  • Choosing one of the systems to play from the West End Games D6 System, Wizards of the Coasts D20 Saga Edition, right up to Fantasy Flight Games current version of the RPG.
  • Choosing an era to play in, from the canon Movies an TV series to Legends Comics and Novels.
  • And we went through Choosing a play style, between Heroes, Villains, or Scum and Villainy?

This time we'll be covering

  • Creating your campaign
  • Worldbuilding
  • Creating your cast of Non Player Characters.

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10/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        A few additions to the site today based on the subject of Yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 69: Death in the City of Bones. Today we've added, Suprema to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, City of Bone (Mandalore) to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section, and Imperial Escort Fighter & Imperial Transport barge to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section of the Site.


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08/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        A couple of additions to the site today based on the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 68: The Search Begins. I love how the cover of this issue is sold on T-Shirts, with most of the owners believing that it's Boba Fett, when in fact the cover portrays Fenn Shysa!
        Anyway, today we've added Tobbi Dala & Fenn Shysa to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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06/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Crackens Rebel Field Guide

Cracken's Rebel Field Guide is a 1991 supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games. It is a book that details the workings of the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire. It was written from the in-universe perspective of General Airen Cracken.

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06/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Today only one addition to the site based on the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 67: The Darker. Today we've added the eponymous antagonist of the issue itself, the Darker to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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04/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Well, May the Fourth be with you, it's Star Wars day.
        But let's be honest, it's a bit of a bittersweet one today because of the loss of Peter Mayhew, Chewbacca himself. I never got the chance to meet him, but from all reports he was a funny and friendly guy, one who was a true ambassador for Star Wars. Even during the dark times of the late 80's, early 90's when Star Wars was pretty much dead, Peter Mayhew was attending conventions, spending time with fans, and talking about what a great experience the movies had been for him, unlike many of his co-stars who didn't seem to have as much of a positive relationship with the franchise.
        Well, the Wookiee has left the building, and we're all a little worse off for it. Goodbye Peter, you were one of the good ones.

        A bunch of additions today from the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 66: The Water Bandits. Today we've added Darial Anglethorn & Gideon Longspar to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Tirrith to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section, and Beheboth to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section of the Site.


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03/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

RPG Hints: Designing and Running a Star Wars RPG Campaign

        Today we're starting a long promised new series RPG Hints, with how to Gamesmaster a Star Wars RPG Campaign.
        In this series I'll walk you through . . .

  • Choosing one of the systems to play from the West End Games D6 System, Wizards of the Coasts D20 Saga Edition, right up to Fantasy Flight Games current version of the RPG. Choosing an era to play in, from the movies to the comics there's loads of time periods to play in, which are best?
  • Choosing a play style, are you going to play Plucky Rebels, Imperial Inquisitors, or Scum and Villainy?
  • Creating your campaign
  • Worldbuilding
  • Creating your cast of Non Player Characters.
  • The make up of your party
  • Writing star wars adventures
  • Gamesmastering Star Wars

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02/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Lots of characters, but all fairly low level ones, all from the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 65: Golrath Never Forgets. Today we've added Carli, Bens Figg, Scraper, Tabbins Vee, Duron Veertag & Wella to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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All text, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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