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November/2018 UPDATES

30/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

        And we're back with quite a bundle of updates today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issues 1-6 (A New Hope). Today we've added, BlasTech Industries SE-14C blaster pistol and Czerka Arms 6-2Aug2 hunting rifle to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section, and Mosep Binneed, Osleo Prennert, Vanden Willard, Bob Hudsol, Shann Childsen, Pol Treidum, Daine Jir, Moradmin Bast, Conan Antonio Motti, Nahdonnis Praji, Cassio Tagge and URoRRuRRR to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.

        I really didn't think it through well, doing the entirety of Star Wars: A New Hope in one day, there's still loads I haven't covered. I was considering spending a second day doing stat's, but we'll leave that and see if there's any days that there isn't anything much to add, and I can reach back to these 6 issues and see what I can add then.


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29/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures

        Well, if you can't think of any new stories, why not just animate the stories you already told?
        Sorry, don't think this looks very good at all (although prefer it's animation style to that of Resistance.

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29/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

Top Five Episodes of Star Wars Rebels

        We've spent the last six months or so watching, reviewing and stat'ing the four seasons of the Star Wars Rebels animated series, finishing last week.
        So we thought it was an ideal time to run down the Top Five episodes.
        We talk about them a bit, so, obviously, SPOILERS.

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28/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

So what happens now?

        Well, we're coming to the end of the weeks hiatus I take between seasons of reviews, and during this week I've been doing a little maintenance around the site, so the Twitter integration should work better now, although I've yet to fix the connection with Facebook.
        So, with Clone Wars finished, and Rebels finished, what am I going to do next?
        Resistance has been plodding along, and we've got Forces of Destiny, or even the original Clone Wars series. Hell, we've even got the old Droids and Ewoks cartoons and movies to cover at some point!
        But, for the moment, I've decided to move onto another media for a while, and I'm going to work my way through the original run of Marvel Star Wars comics from 1977.
        Now, originally I read the UK imprint of these comics, which compiled other stories along with Star Wars, so had the joy of being first exposed to Deathlok, Killraven, War of the Worlds, and many other stories too. But the copies I've now got access to are the US version, so I'll only be covering the Star Wars stories.
        Now obviously some of these cover the movies over multiple issues, so the movies I'll group together into a single review, and only cover any differences or noteworthy content. But each of the other stories I'll cover issue by issue, and then provide stats for anything in the issues.
        Some of these stories I remember as absolute classics, but others were pretty much dross, so we'll find out if there's gems of Star Wars content in there, or whether 6 year old Freddy was a poor judge of quality. So see you tomorrow for the first 6 issues covering A New Hope.


        Oh, and the attached cover is that of Issue 2, the first issue I got as a child, given it by my cousin Troy. I still own that copy to this day.

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27/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

Star Wars Resistance: Season 1 Episode 9: The Platform Classic

        Well, I've put up the review for the latest episode of Star Wars Resistance, Star Wars Resistance: Season 1 Episode 9: The Platform Classic. Really hard to talk about this one without spoilers, but non spoilerific review is that it's still not very good.


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26/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Judge Dredd

        The first, Judge Dredd: The Role-Playing Game, was published under license by Games Workshop in the 1980s and used a rules system created specifically for the game, which resembled GW's Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.

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22/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

Top Five Star Wars Legends Characters

        This week we'd like to count down our top 5 Star Wars Legends Characters.
        Now this is of course just our opinion, but we're laying down some rules here.
First only one character per source, and this is mainly aimed at Knight of the Old Republic and its sequel, but we're going to only choose one character from that series, no matter how many of them are iconic.
        Secondly, these must be Legends characters, what used to be called the Expanded universe. So I'm afraid Grand Admiral Thrawn since he appeared in the Rebels series can't be in here.


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22/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

        And so it ends, today we've got a bunch of updates based on our review of the final episode of Star Wars Rebels: Season 4 Episode 15+16: Family Reunion - and Farewell. Today we've added Ezra Bridger, Chopper (C1-10P), Grand Admiral Thrawn (Mitth raw nuruodo), Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren and Garazeb Orrelios to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.

        So we may try to catch a few that we've missed over the 4 seasons of the show, but that's us basically finished with Star Wars Rebels.

        So what now? Well, we'll spend our next week catching up with anything we missed, and doing maintenance around the site. And then we're onto another project! Which we'll tell you about real soon.


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20/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

Star Wars Resistance: Season 1 Episode 8: Synaras Score

        I've just added the review for the latest episode of Star Wars: Resistance, Star Wars Resistance: Season 1 Episode 8: Synaras Score. As usual, obviously, SPOILERS. But the spoiler free review (or TLDR) is that this is a far better episode, which seems to be getting past a number of the problems the show has displayed in the past, it's action packed and pretty enjoyable.


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20/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A couple of additions today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 4 Episode 14: A Fools Hope. Today we've added, The Ghost to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section & Hondo Ohnaka (as of Rebels) to the Characters Section of the Site.
        Tomorrow I review the final episode of Rebels, but I may take a couple of days to finish off everything from the series, as we've still got the heroes to do, plus some of the villains, and it seems like quite a lot to do in one day, especially a day when I've got a few other things to do.


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19/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Blue Planet

        This weeks Retro RPG is Blue Planet, a 1997 game by Biohazard, in the near future humanity starts colonising a water world reachable through a wormhole at the edge of our solar system. Earth ecosystem collapses, leaving a dystopian cyberpunk like earth, an a wild frontier world of intelligent dolphins, whales and aborigine species, with humans fighting over a mineral which allows genetic engineering and perhaps immortality.
        A hugely well researched game with a fascinating background, although it wasn't massively successful and after a couple of editions has ended up back in the hands of the original authors, with some support still available.

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17/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A couple of additions to the site today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 4 Episode 13: A World Between Worlds. Today I've added Ahsoka Tano (as of Rebels)to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and The Phantom to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.

        Both of these are updates to other stats on the site, obviously Ahsoka's stats are her Clone Wars ones brought up to her status in Rebels, and the Phantom is a modified VCX Shuttle.


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15/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

Top Five Classic Star Wars Adventures

        This time we count down our Top Five Star Wars Adventures. In this one we're only using adventures from the 1st and 2nd Edition Star Wars RPG, and since we're talking a bit about them so, obviously, SPOILERS.

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15/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

        There's a couple of additions to the site today, based on the subject of yesterdays review of,Star Wars Rebels: Season 4 Episode 12: Wolves and a Door. Today we've added Veris Hydan to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Rodian & Trandoshan to the Star Wars D/6 Races Section of the Site.


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14/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

Star Wars Resistance: Season 1 Episode 7: Signal from Sector Six

        Well, another week passes and we've got another episode of Star Wars: Resistance to review, Star Wars Resistance: Season 1 Episode 7: Signal from Sector Six. The spoiler free review is that this episode seems more like part of the Star Wars universe than the others, but it's characterisation of the main character is still poor, and the plot doesn't make sense when you think about it, although at times it does look quite pretty.


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13/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Just one addition to the site today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 4 Episode 11: Dume. Today we've added the Sinrich Optical Dephaser to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section of the Site.


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12/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

Stan Lee: Rest in Peace

        Still coming to terms with the sad news of the passing of Stan the Man himself, Stan Lee. I believe today will be a day filled with personal stories, as although most of us never had the pleasure of meeting Stan, he's been such a mainstay of geek culture for so long, that so many of us have formed formed a relationship with his work which is personal to us.
        When I was just a child, and more into watching TV than reading, even reading comics, I like many boys adored Superheroes. But at the time there were only 2 superhero shows broadcasting, the always fantastic Wonder Woman live action series with Lynda Carter, and Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends, cartoon series, which would be shown on a sunday afternoon as part of Glen Michaels Cartoon Cavalcade, and for me it was the highlight of a sunday afternoon.
        The show was introduced by Stan Lee, it's been too many years for me to remember whether it was every episode, or just the pilot episode, and whether it was an animated Stan or live action. But my memories are of Stan talking about the adventures of Spider-man, how Peter Parker went through ordinary struggles like you or me, as well as obviously his more spectacular ones against the likes of Doctor Doom or the Green Goblin. I remember Stan talking about making moral choices, and the trials of just being normal, never mind being extra-ordinary. I remember Stan not only creating this superhero, but also presenting him to us, him being as excited as a 5 year old me at the latest adventures.
        And that's the relationship through the years, Stan was always comic book's best cheerleader, not only a creator but a fan. And as the years went on, his appearances continued, Stan's Bullpen in the back of the comics was always a great read, he obviously never took himself too seriously, as his appearance in Mallrats, and even as a bus driver in Heroes.
        And we come to the latest era, where he's received true recognition for his work as movies based on his works top the charts for the past decade, and each movie carries his cameo, always a wonderful little gem which usually gets a "Oh, look, there's Stan, from my wife or kids", putting a smile on our faces like we're seeing an old friend, and we were.
        And now it's over, soon we'll get a Marvel movie without a Stan Lee cameo which is almost too much to bear, I hope they've got a few to keep using, even if it's just posters in the background like in the Netflix Marvel series.

        So, thanks Stan. Thank you for being there for a geeky kid and showing us it was alright to like comic books, because this grown up did. Thank you for so many great and relatable characters, the comics of which I've collected over the years. Thanks for so many great moments, from discussing Secret Wars with my eldest son, when he was only 5, to sitting with my family all of us enjoying the movies that originated from you. You were an absolute gem of a man, and we'll all live in your shadow for decades to come.



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12/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Paranoia

        This week we look at the Roleplaying Game of a darkly humorous future.
        The Computer is your friend, Trust No One and Keep your Laser Handy, Paranoia is set in Alpha Complex, surviving a nuclear war it protects it's inhabitants from mutants and the commie menace.
        However, it's unaware of two things, what commies are! and that all of the clones in Alpha complex are mutants.
        The players play Troubleshooters, who find trouble and shoot it, each hiding their mutation and secret society affiliation from each other, the discovery of which will lead to termination.
        Basically trying to out their team-mates as commie traitors, before they themselves are outed. A chaotic game, where death is common (but it's okay, you're a clone, so quickly replaced by an identical copy), and player conflict isn't discouraged, it's actually the aim of the game.

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11/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A few additions to the site today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 4 Episode 10: Jedi Night. Today I've added, Force Stasis to the Star Wars D/6 The Force Section, Kanan Jarrus to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and the Loth-bat to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section of the Site.

        As he leaves the series, I've added Kanan today, and usually I leave every character until their final appearance in the show, but as we get to the last few, instead of having a massive dump of all the main characters, I'll try to split them over the final few episodes.


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10/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

Top Five Cyberpunk RPGs

        Probably should have uploaded this, it's shorter than I intended, and the voiceover is really patchy, but it's a bit of a proof of concept for a new series of videos over on the RPGGamer YouTube channel, anyway, so here is our Top Five Cyberpunk RPG's.


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08/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Just one addition to the site today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 4 Episode 9: Rebel Assault. Today we've added Lutrillian to the Star Wars D/6 Races Section of the Site.


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07/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

Star Wars Resistance: Season 1 Episode 6: The Children from Tehar

        We've put up our review of the next episode of Resistance, Star Wars Resistance: Season 1 Episode 6: The Children from Tehar. As usual, it's filled with spoilers, so the spoiler free review is, "At least we're now getting some progress in the main plot of the series, but it's all a little too coincidental in it's happenings, and Kez is finally getting some respect. But it's still a fairly poor and childish version of Star Wars."


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06/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A few additions to the site today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 4 Episode 8: Crawler Commanders. Today we've added Ore crawler & Santhe/Rothana Heavy Engineering LAAT/le gunship to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section and Seevor, Proach & Tsoklo to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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05/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

Remember, remember the fifth of November,

Gunpowder treason and plot.
We see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!

Guy Fawkes, guy, t'was his intent
To blow up king and parliament.
Three score barrels were laid below
To prove old England's overthrow.

By god's mercy he was catch'd
With a darkened lantern and burning match.
So, holler boys, holler boys, Let the bells ring.
Holler boys, holler boys, God save the king.

And what shall we do with him?
Burn him!

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05/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: The Babylon Project

        This week I present the first of the Babylon 5 Role Playing Games, published in 1997 by Chameleon Eclectic, the publishers of Millenniums End.
        It's an interesting game, with a very odd rules mechanic, a very peculiar licencing agreement (they had the licence to Babylon 5, but none of the actors images, so use stills from the series for space scenes, but artwork for all the characters and internal scenes). It's the first game I've done which I really don't recommend, unless you're a Babylon 5 completist.

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04/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Feeling a bit under the weather today, so only one addition to the site based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 4 Episode 7: Kindred. Today I've added Rukh, to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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02/November/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Today a few additions to the site, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 4 Episode 6: Flight of the Defender. Today we've added the Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/D Defender Elite to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, the Loth-wolf to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section, and the Imperial airfield to the Star Wars D/6 Planets and Places Section of the Site.
        The Imperial Airfield is a little bit different, as I wanted to add it as a place that the Empire deploys to worlds, that player characters might attack. The game already has the Imperial Garrison Base, but that is massive construction which has hundreds of troops and Walkers. This is a much smaller facility, which players might infiltrate, steal fuel or equipment from, a target that a team of a half dozen player characters could successfully deal with.

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01/November/2018 Posted by Freddy


        I commented a few weeks ago about D&D entering eSports, and they've already announced the form it will take, and the press release is below.
        Now, I've read it through, and this relates as much to D&D, as kicking as the Super Bowl relates to kick a ball around in your back yard.
        It really looks as if the eSports version of D&D is going to be a spectator sport, and therefore they've lost me. I don't watch other people play sports, although I've enjoyed playing in the past. I don't watch other people play video games, although I enjoy playing them. And the idea of watching other people play D&D seems boring as hell.
        Anyway, as I said, the press release is below, and if watching people earn money from playing a game is something you enjoy, then maybe it's for you.

        Imagine if two parties fighting for opposite sides found themselves in the same dungeon. It’s kill or be killed. What will they do to survive?
        DnDSports is the first online D&D Tournament in a cooperative Party vs Party setting from EncounterRoleplay & DnDBeyond with a grand prize of $5,000. Over the course of 4 weeks, 16 players will compete in teams of 4 in single elimination games. Each game is a best of 3 arena battle and played via Roll20.

How is it Played?
        The full rules for DnDSports will be released shortly after our next round of Playtesting. We don’t claim to have created perfect balance, nor is that our aim, as every competitive game has an element of strategy. We’re also implementing MOBA-esque mechanics such as a Pick/Ban phase to help expand the strategy. We’ve been working closely with over a dozen talented DMs to create 15 pre-generated characters from which the players will choose, and adapt the pre-existing Dungeons & Dragons: 5th Edition rules.

        We know that this will be an incredibly fun new way to play D&D, because as long as you’re having fun, you’re doing it right!

When is it?
        Day 1: November 10th at 12pm PST
        Heat 1: Team Beholder vs. Team Mindflayer

        Day 2: November 17th at 12pm PST
        Heat 2: Team Kobold vs. Team Tarrasque

        Day 3: November 24th at 12pm PST
        All Stars Charity game for 826LA foundation

        Day 4: December 1st at 12pm PST
        Grand Finals

Where can I watch it?
        Watch live on Twitch here.
        The VODs will be uploaded to Youtube here.

Who is involved?
        The EncounterRoleplay & DnDBeyond crews have teamed up to bring this production to life!
        As for who’s competing? Keep an eye on the DnDSports Twitter & here on the blog to learn more about the teams as they are revealed!

But D&D Shouldn’t be an eSport?!
        It’s not an eSport. We created something that would make competitive gamers feel safe and comfortable trying out D&D5e for the first time. It’s a new way to display the versatility of combat in D&D5e in a unique setting. We encourage you to respect the way different people play D&D because we know that this will be a fun event and there is no wrong to play D&D, as long as you are having fun!

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