Now we're onto Darth Vader: Issue 8: Into the Fire Part III: The Eye, and we've added the Lava flea (Mustafarian Riding Creature), & Lava nymph (Fire Breathing Flying Creature) to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section of the Site.
Now the Lava Flea is an update of the Mustafar Lava Flea which has been on the site since October 2005, and were still on one of the old hand coded HTML pages from the site at that time. So I've changed them around a little and updated them. However one of the changes I've made is to make them capable of giant leaps much like an actual Flea, although they're never seen to be able to perform this kind of jump in the movies or comics. I just thought it would be interesting to make them different to all of the other riding beasts available, to give them the ability to not only scurry along like a beetle, but also to perform massive jumps over the lava flows and other obstacles on Mustafar. But as always, let me know what you think.
Also I'm going to be away for a few days, having to be away due to family commitments. This means that the Bad Batch review will be up late, and there will be no activity on the site for a few days. But it's only a long weekend, so I'll be back on Tuesday, and will carry on as normal from then.
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