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October/2019 UPDATES

31/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

Wanting an Opinion!

        So, just over a year ago we released our Solo: A Star Wars Story OpenD6 RPG, and it's been downloaded quite a bit (some 4000 times). Well it takes some time to put a book like this together, which takes me away from daily updates.
        So the opinion I'm looking for is whether I should do more of these books? I'd orignally wanted to do an Entire Clones Wars Sourcebook, A Rebels Sourcebook, and a Marvel Star Wars Sourcebook. Now the Marvel book is the one I've got planned out best, with each story getting its own section, with stats and characters embedded within each story. My plan for the Clone Wars book was for it to be another full set of rules, this time including the force, so you'd have a book to use if you just wanted to game during the Clone Wars without having all the Galactic Civil war material in it as well.
        Anyway, let me know what you think about these books, and whether you think it's a good use of my time?


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29/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

Star Wars Resistance: Season 2 Episode 4: Hunt on Celsor 3

        Well another week another episode of Resistance, and this weeks is Star Wars Resistance: Season 2 Episode 4: Hunt on Celsor 3. The TLDR; Review this week, it's pretty darn good, flawed in some areas, but lacking most of the problems Resistance had in its first season, and definitely one I recommend.


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29/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

And so it finally Ends!

        And so, after 11 months of updates, we finally reach the final story published by Marvel for Star Wars during their original run of comics (1977-1986), Star Wars Monthly 159: Blind Fury!. So today we've added Rur to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, the Soul snare to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section, and Garn to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section of the Site.

        So what's next ? ? ?
        Well, there's been a bunch of requests that I start working my way through the Tales of the Jedi and Knights of the Old Republic series of comics from Dark Horse. Which is a definite possibility, as I absolutely adore those. My only concern is that those comics are longer than what I've been doing, and since they're a totally new setting, there would be so much to stat out, so I might have to change my pattern of updates, to have two days of stats between each review. . . .
        Anyway, firstly, I'm going to take my week off as I usually do between seasons of shows and series of comics (although normal business will continue with videos and Resistance reviews). And then I'll be back with a fresh plan, and some new content for you to peruse.



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28/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Dungeon Masters Guide

From the front cover of the first printing:
        This newly revised and updated version of the AD&D game provides everything Dungeon Masters neeed to create thrilling role-playing challenges. For intermediate through advanced players, ages 10 and up.
From the back cover of the first printing:
        This is the complete guide to being an AD&D game Dungeon Master. Whether you're running a single adventure or masterminding a complete fantasy campaign, the Dungeon Master's Guide is an absolute necessity. The 2nd Edition Dungeon Master's Guide puts all the information you need right at your fingertips—in a fresh, new format, full indexed for your convenience. Here you'll learn all there is to know about magical spells and items, as well as monsters, combat, travel, NPCs, treasure, encounters, awarding experience, and more!

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27/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

        A few updates today based on the very, very Infinities contents of yesterdays review, The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 157: The Flight of the Falcon. Today we've added Zoltan Starkid to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Millenium Astro Engineering Millennium Hawk to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, and Tharkos to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section of the Site.


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25/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

        A wee bunch of updates today based on the subject of yesterdays review of, The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 156: Rust Never Sleeps. Today we've added, the Junk hauler to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, Fivelines to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and Ronyards to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section of the Site.


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25/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

Top 5: RPGs on the Nintendo Gamecube

        Welcome to this episode of RPGGamer Top 5s, and this time we're going to do the top 5 RPG's available on the Nintendo Gamecube.
        Again we've gone to a public poll for this system, as at the time it was out I was but a poor student, and totally missed the opportunity to own one of these systems, even though there were loads of titles I'd grown to love on the SNES and N64 which received sequels on the Gamecube that I'd have love to have owned at the time.
        The Nintendo GameCube was released by Nintendo in Japan and North America in 2001 and Europe and Australia in 2002. The sixth-generation console is the successor to the Nintendo 64. and competed with Sony's PlayStation 2, Microsoft's Xbox, and Sega's Dreamcast.

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23/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

        A few updates today based on the subject of yesterdays review, The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 155: Dark Lords Conscience. Today we've added Clat the Shamer & Dhol to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and Cheelit to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section of the Site.


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21/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

Star Wars Resistance: Season 2 Episode 3: Live Fire

        Well another week, another episode of Resistance, so I've watched and reviewed it as normal, Star Wars Resistance: Season 2 Episode 3: Live Fire. The TLDR review is, it's a bit of a slip back into the bad habits of the first season, with Kazuda being insulted and disrespected by people who should know better by this time.


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21/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

        A bunch of slightly weird updates today, based on the equally weird subject of the most recent review, The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 154: Tilotny Throws a Shape. Today we've added Splendid Ap, Horliss-Horliss, Cold Danda Sine & Tilotny to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and Bedlam to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section of the Site.


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21/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Players Handbook

        In 1987, a small team of designers at TSR led by David "Zeb" Cook began work on the second edition of the AD&D game, which would take two years to complete. In 1989, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition was published, featuring new rules and characters.

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19/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

        A bunch of new additions to the site today, based on the subject of Yesterdays review of, The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 153: Dark Knights Devilry. Today we've added Sergeant Falesh, Meeka Reen & Captain Ryko Vant to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and Jerne to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section of the Site.


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18/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Whoops, I just realised when I was preparing for tomorrows update that I'd totally skipped the planets the last issue. So today I've added, Attahox & Daalang to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section of the Site.


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18/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

Top Five: RPGs available on Steam

        Welcome to this episode of RPGGamer Top 5s, and this time we're going to do the top 5 RPG's available on Steam.
        Steam is the biggest video game digital distribution service platform and was developed by Valve Corporation and launched in 2003, the range of games old and new available on the platform is staggering. The steam sales are especially worthy of mentioning, as they are the perfect way to pick up older games at extremely discounted prices, and I have picked up games I normally wouldn't have considered paying full price for, at just a few pounds, and had hours and hours of great gaming.
        Once again we've gone to an online poll for results, which has surprised us with some choices we would never have considered.

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17/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

        A few updates today based on the subject of yesterdays review of, The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 151: The Pandora Effect. Today we've added The Five (Chell, Chokla, Koobaree, Mavin, & Suzal), Wutzek, Vor Childermoss & Leelu to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.

        Second update in a row we've added something described as a "Demon", and I've a feeling that it's not going to be the last.


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15/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

Star Wars Resistance: Season 2 Episode 2: A Quick Salvage Run

        Well our review is up for the next episode, Star Wars Resistance: Season 2 Episode 2: A Quick Salvage Run. And the TLDR review is, it's pretty good, hooks into the movies pretty well, and doesn't annoy too much even if it remains pretty flawed.


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15/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Quite a bunch of additions to the site today based on the subject of yesterdays review of, The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 149: Death Masque. Today we've added, Reist (Nightmare Demon), Altin Wuho & Captain Dirk Balor to the Star Wars D6 Characters Section, and Nightmare demon & Human replica droid to the Star Wars D6 Races Section of the Site.


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14/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Preview

        I'm going to be doing a bunch of D&D stuff over the next few weeks since I'm really getting back into the game, after not Dungeon Mastering it for over 30 years. So here we are with the very first D&D thing I owned.
        This pamphlet was released by TSR, the publishers of D&D and AD&D (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons) to prepare people for the upcoming release of AD&D 2nd Edition in 1989. It tries to calm people's concerns that this is a totally different game, and help them understand that it's just a clarification and reorganisation of the rules to aid play.

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13/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Another bunch of requests today, so we've added Shyrack, Tukata, Terentatek & Sith wyrm to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section of the Site.
        Back to the reviews tomorrow.


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13/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Well we finish up the final part of the current story, Star Wars Weekly 115: The Guardian of Forever Part 3, but there's nothing left to stat out from this issue. So instead I jumped into my email inbox and I've done some of the requests we've had in there. So today we've added Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Mangler Heavy Attacker & Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective Pinnace-class Corvette to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, and Meekah Hozard to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
        I think I'm going to finish off the contents of the requests from the inbox tomorrow instead of going onto reviewing the next issue of Star Wars Weekly (or Empire Strikes Back Monthly as it had become by the time of the next story). But we'll see how I feel when I get up tomorrow.


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11/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

Top Five: RPGs on the Original X Box

        Hello and Welcome to this episode of RPGGamer Top 5s, and this time we're going to do the top 5 RPG's on the original X-Box.
        The Xbox was the first instalment in the Xbox series of consoles manufactured by Microsoft and was released as their first foray into the gaming console market on November 15, 2001, in North America, followed by Australia, Europe and Japan in 2002. It is classified as a sixth generation console, competing with Sony's PlayStation 2 and Nintendo's GameCube. It was also the first console produced by an American company since the Atari Jaguar ceased production in 1996.

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10/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Well, yesterdays review of the next issue of Star Wars Weekly 114: The Guardian of Forever Part 2, didn't really have anything to create stats for, so we headed back to The Empire Strikes Back, and looked for some characters from that. So today we've added Bren Derlin, Tigran Jamiro, Kendal Ozzel & Carlist Rieekan to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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07/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

Star Wars Resistance: Season 2 Episode 1: Into the Unknown

        Well the second season of Resistance has begun, and we've done our review of the first episode, Star Wars Resistance: Season 2 Episode 1: Into the Unknown. The TLDR review is, it's pretty good, getting off to a good start even if character motivations are still surprisingly bad.

        Oh, and while I'm talking about the Star Wars animated series, I've done a new editorial about how I am worried about the new Clone Wars!, check it out and let me know what you think.


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07/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Cyberspace

        Cyberspace is a cyberpunk role-playing game published by Iron Crown Enterprises and using a somewhat modified version of their Spacemaster ruleset.

        The primary setting of Cyberspace is the urban sprawl around San Francisco in the year 2090.

        The game was written by Tod Foley, who also worked on a number of Iron Crown's Spacemaster supplements. The game was out of print and unavailable for a number of years around the turn of the millennium, but is now available, with all of its supplements, from the publisher's homepage in a PDF format.

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07/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Okay, I took a couple of days off over the weekend as I felt under the weather with a cold, so todays update actually is based on the subject of fridays review, Star Wars Weekly 113: The Guardian of Forever Part 1. Today we've added The Sentinel to the Star Wars D6 Creatures Section of the Site.
        Now I'm definitely going to be scrambling a bit for content for the final two parts of this story, as I've pretty much covered everything in the next issues already. So guess I'll have to go back and see if there's anything I've missed from older issues.


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04/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

Top 5 Tabletop RPGs

        Welcome to this episode of RPGGamer Top 5s, and this time we're going to do the top 5 Tabletop RPG's.
        So, this is a controversial one, while everyone's got their favourite video games on different consoles, most people can respect other opinions, but with Tabletop RPG's people invest serious amounts of time and effort into their chosen game, writing character backgrounds, shaping the worlds, making content, so this is a more personal decision.
        Now we could just list our favourite RPG's, which to tell the truth wouldn't really match up with the list we're about to run down, but if did that, it would attract a lot of criticism as there's only so many times we can rave about Star Wars D6, but it would just be our personal opinion anyway.
        So what we did was arranged a poll on one of the larger polling sites, and then we waited, and a few long weeks later we got the results the quantity of which blew us away.
        We got back a list of over 100 different RPG's, and 10's of thousands of votes cast, which was amazing. So after a bit of processing to account for different editions of RPG's, and some reading, as a bunch of them we'd never even heard of, we assembled this list. The contents of which didn't really surprise us, but we certainly didn't expect them in this order.

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03/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

        So we've got a couple more additions to the site today as we finish off the second segment of the current story with our review of, Star Wars Weekly 112: The Word for World is Death Part 3. Today we've added Ensign Kyril Lopaki (Imperial Officer) & Voss (Imperial Stormtrooper) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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01/October/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Another couple of additions from the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Weekly 111: The Word for World is Death Part 2. Today we've added Major Wilm Grau (Imperial Commando) & Eger Djambo (Imperial Stormtrooper) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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