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Amnesty Officer G27 (Human ex-Imperial Officer)

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Techno Union D-wing Battle Droid
Mortar Stormtrooper

Mortar Stormtrooper

June/2018 UPDATES

29/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Just a few updates today based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 1 Episode 8: Empire Day. It's so hot today in Scotland that I can't bare to sit in front of the computer longer to do any more, it's so hot here that Glasgow recorded it's hottest day ever and the roof of the science centre in Glasgow, which is supposed to be Weatherproof, has started to melt.

        Anyway, today I've added theKuat Drive Yards Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Advanced v1 Experimental twin ion engine space superiority fighter and XX-23 S-thread tracker to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.

        The Star Destroyer was perhaps the most commonly reprinted stat in all of the West End Games Sourcebooks, but I needed some updated stats, so have reworked them to be more loyal to what is now known about these vessels. I found that it seemed to lack any anti Starfighter Weapons, so I've reworked some of he weaker Turbolasers into anti-starfighter weapons. If you've any thoughts, let me know.


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27/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A few updates based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 1 Episode 7: Out of Darkness. Today we've added Cikatro Vizago to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Fyrnock to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section and the Anaxes asteroid belt to the Star Wars Planets & Places Section of the Site.


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25/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A few additions to the site based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 1 Episode 6: Breaking Ranks. Today we've added, Myles Grint, Cumberlayne Aresko, Imperial cadet & Imperial combat driver to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and Decoder to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section of the Site.

        I actually found it a challenge doing Aresko and Grint, because they are Imperial Officers so should have a modicum of skill, but are portrayed throughout the series as easily fooled and defeated villains. I've made Grint slightly more thuggish and Aresko as the more knowledgeable of the two, if you've any thoughts let me know.


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25/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A few updates based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 1 Episode 5: Rise of the Old Masters. Today we've added, Loth-cat's & Tibidee to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section, and the Double-bladed spinning lightsaber to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section.

        I had thought about doing each of the different Inquisitors weapons as they turn up, but the Grand Inquisitors Lightsaber seems to just be the base model of the Double Bladed Spinning Lightsaber, so I haven't done it separately. We'll see about the others as they turn up.

        Also, this is where I draw the line, no discussions of eating Loth-cat's. They're too cute.


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21/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A bunch of additions to the site today all based on the subject of yesterdays review of, Star Wars Rebels: Season 1 Episode 4: Fighter Flight. Today we've added SoroSuub Corporation V-35 Courier Speeder to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, the Lasat to the Star Wars D/6 Race Section, and Jogan fruit, Meiloorun fruit & Thorn pear to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section of the Site.


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20/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

Cubicle 7

        The always wonderful Cubicle 7 has not only released information on their rules system for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay {here}, but also a preview of the first chapter of their Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD core rulebook, {here} which seems more focused on Judge Dredd than I'd like (he's has at least 2 RPG's already, lets see the ABC Warriors, Strontium Dog or Rogue Trooper see some love), but interesting stuff never-the-less.

        The rules for combat in seem pretty interesting "D100 systems can suffer from so-called ‘whiff factor’ – endless inaction due to everyone failing rolls time and time again. This was something we wanted to eliminate as much as possible. One of the new mechanics we introduced to help with this in combat is called Advantage. You can gain Advantage from sources including Surprise, Charging and winning an Attack Test. Each point of Advantage gives you +10 to your Attack Tests, and represents you pressing your foe back, gaining control of the space, gaining confidence, leaping onto the table, kicking sand in their face, or whatever you feel is appropriate to the battle at hand."
        This seems a cool way of adding to the combat system, giving the players some control of it, and making combat more action packed and interesting. I'm truly interested in seeing what the system is like when it comes out.


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19/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A bunch of additions to the site today based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars Rebels: Season 1 Episode 3: Droids in Distress. Today I've added Corellian Engineering Corporation Gozanti-class cruiser & Sacul Industries Star Commuter 2000 Shuttle to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, Garel to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section, SoroSuub Corporation RGC-18 landspeeder & Kuat Drive Yards All Terrain Defense Pod (AT-DP) to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, T-7 ion disruptor rifle to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section, and Lothal Logistics Limited RQ protocol droid & Industrial Automaton RX-Series pilot droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section of the Site.


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18/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        So, we're into Rebels, and we've done our first review, Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion, and because we're into a new series there's an absolute tonne of stuff to be stat'ed out. So today we've added, C1-series astromech droid, Holowan Laboratories IG-RM bodyguard and enforcer droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section, the Aratech Repulsor Company 614-AvA speeder bike to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, Corellian Engineering Corporation C-ROC Gozanti-class Cruiser
Corellian Engineering Corporation VCX-100 light freighter, Appazanna Engineering Works Auzituck anti-slaver gunship & Corellian Engineering Corporation VCX-series auxiliary starfighter to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, & Eirriss Ryloth Defense Tech Blurgg-1120 Hold-out blaster pistol, BlasTech Industries DL-18 Blaster pistol, BlasTech Industries DLT-18 Heavy blaster rifle, Lasan-Malamut Firearms Corporation AB-75 bo-rifle, Lasan-Malamut Firearms Corporation J-19 bo-rifle & Xexto tinkerer Energy slingshot to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section of the Site.

        And that's just a fragment of what I could add to the site today, but I'm trying to keep to the rules I set up for Clone Wars, where I don't stat out people or "hero" vehicles until their last appearance in the series. So while I've done the base versions of the Ghost and the Phantom, they themselves won't appear until much later.
        Wow, I'm so excited to be onto Rebels, so much to add, so much to enjoy.


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18/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Well the last day of Solo: A Star Wars Story week on, and today we're adding the star of the movie, The Millennium Falcon (as of Solo: A Star Wars Story) to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site. If you've not seen the movie, there's some spoilers in there so I wouldn't read it.

        So, tomorrow we start Rebels with the first Review of the series, and I have to admit I'm really looking forwards to having the excuse to watch through it all again.


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18/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Today in day 6 of Solo: A Star Wars Story week here on, we've got the heroes of the story. We've added, Han Solo (as of Solo: A Star Wars Story), Chewbacca (as of Solo: A Star Wars Story), Lando Calrissian (as of Solo: A Star Wars Story), Qira & L3-37 to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.

        So with a day left to go, we've got the Millenium Falcon to do, and any mopping up of things we've missed from other sections to do tomorrow. Now, I've got an idea that I'm not finished with Solo, but I don't want to say anymore until I've had a further look.


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14/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Day Five of Solo: A Star Wars Story here on, and today I've added Lady Proxima, Moloch, Dryden Vos, Tobias Beckett, Val & Rio Durant to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.

        I started out to do the Species from Solo, of which there are many. But given all that exists on all of the new ones is a paragraph of text, and a picture, there's not a lot to go on, so apologies but I'm going to skip them all for the time being. So just the Falcon itself and the characters to do. After the ones done today, we're really only left with Han, Chewie, Lando, Qira, and L3-3T to do, along with possibly some background characters to do over the next 2 days. Looks like this may very well be the easiest movie to cover in one week.

        I must also note that reading the background material on Dryden Vos revealed to me the amount of rewriting and reshooting they did for Solo after Ron Howard came aboard to direct. Before Ron Howard, Dryden Vos was going to be an alien character played by a completely different actor, which to me demonstrated how much of the movie got thrown out when they changed directors.


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13/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

The Adventurers Journal

        I was fortunate enough to be contacted by Brian of the Adventurers Journal, who wrote.


        I am the managing editor for the Adventurer’s Journal, a new unofficial and fan made evolved version of the Star Wars Adventure Journal, which supports Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games. We have titled it the Adventurer’s Journal to express our admiration and appreciation for the genre and the game system and to reflect its evolution but also a nod to its contributors who have played many adventures within the confine of the galaxy far, far away.

        As a spiritual successor to the Star Wars Adventure Journal it is our goal to release 15 quarterly issues new content for the game through adventures, stories, articles, original art, and interviews. There will also be an adventure after every fifth issue for a total of 18. Each adventure will be written and showcase the information presented in its preceding issues. These adventures will be our version of Star Wars Adventures Journal issues 16, 17, & 18 the three cancelled issues.

        Issue One was released on May 4th with more quarterly issues following on first Friday of August, November, and February.

        Was wondering if you wouldn’t mind uploading it to this site and help get the word out.

        Hope you’ll join us over at


        Here is a link for issue One

        Well, I've only had a few minutes to have a brief look over, and it looks great so far, a very worthy effort, and I'm only too happy to try to get word out. So please, pop on over and check out their efforts in keeping the Star Wars D/6 flame alight.


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13/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Day 4 of Solo: A Star Wars Story Week here on, and today I've added a bunch of Imperial Troops, the Imperial Range trooper, Imperial Swamp trooper, Imperial Mimban Stormtrooper and Imperial Patrol Stormtrooper to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.

        3 Days left to go, and all the NPC's, and the Species left to add, both of which are quite considerable in size, so we'll see if I manage to get everything done, and the Millenium Falcon itself. Busy busy, busy.


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12/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Well a bunch of Droids today, all from Solo: A Star Wars Story. In preparation for this week of doing stats, I bought the Solo: A Star Wars Story: The Official Guide, which lists far more droids than this, but apart from names and pictures there's no more information, so we'll have to return to them later when more information appears. Anyway, today I've added, A-LT Utility Droid, JBL-series Labor droid, H0R-series Labor droid, IN-4 Series Information Droid, GM-Series Protocol Droid, GOUD-Series Messenger Droid, & MPH-series power droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section of the Site.


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11/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Day 2 of Solo: A Star Wars Story week here on RPGGamer, and I'm starting to remember why I don't like doing stats this close to a movies release, because there just isn't a lot of information available so a lot of what I'm doing is guesses. Anyway, today I've added, Corellian Hound and Summa-verminoth to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section, Mimban, Corellia, Kessel and Savareen to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section, and Blastech Industries E-10 blaster rifle and Blastech Industries E-10R blaster rifle to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section of the Site.


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10/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        So, we're into Solo: A Star Wars Story Week on I've gone through all of the Vehicles and Starships there's information available for, either through Wookieepedia, or the Solo: A Star Wars Story Official Guide. So today I've added, the Trast Heavy Transports A-A4B landspeeder, the Mobquet Swoops and Speeders M-68 landspeeder, the Aratech Repulsor Company C-PH patrol speeder bike, the Arrogantus-X Skyblade-221 swoop bike, the Caelii-Merced Skyblade-330 Swoop bike, the Kuat Drive Yards 20-T Railcrawler conveyex transport and the All Terrain Defense Turret (AT-DT) to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section of the Site. And the Imperial Arrestor Cruiser, the Kuat Drive Yards Y-45 armored transport hauler, and the Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/rb heavy starfighter to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.

        Now the obvious one missing from the above is the Millenium Falcon itself, but we'll come to that in the fullness of time.


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09/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Well, it's the last day of Clone Wars Updates. That's every episode watched, reviewed and stat'ed out, I'll have a look through and see what I've missed.

        Anyway, today a bunch of additions based on my review of the final unfinished episode of Clone Wars, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Unfinished Episode 8: Unfinished Business. Today I've added, Padmé Amidala Naberrie (as of The Clone Wars) & Wat Tambor to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Harch & Skakoan to the Star Wars D/6 Races Section, and Corellian Engineering Corporation Consular-class cruiser to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.

        Well, we now enter the 1 week break between series, so for the next week, I'll try to pick up anything I've missed out of Clone Wars, and I'll be covering Solo: A Star Wars Story and Stat'ing out a bunch of stuff from the movie. See you tomorrow.


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07/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A bunch of additions to the site today, based on the subject of yesterdays review of, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Unfinished Episode 7: On the Wings of Keerdaks. Today I've added, the Techno Union octuptarra magna tri-droid to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, the Techno Union D-wing Battle Droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section, Keeradak to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section, Poletec to the Star Wars D/6 Races Section, and the Translation visor to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section of the Site.


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07/June/2018 Posted by HellStormer1

Hello everyone. Nothing big here, just an idea I had and wanted to share. Came across a pic of a NERF realistic repaint and it gave me an idea as I was thinking about it. So I started working on stats, came up with some ideas, and came up with something that seemed cool. The Take-A-Stand Munitions HARD-eR mg69 Light Repeating Blaster (LRB) is an LRB, does more damage than standard light repeaters, but less damage than most heavy repeaters (like the E-Web). I'm thinking about maybe reducing the range, but wanted to put it up and get feedback first. The main thing about this weapon is the introduction of the fusion cell, something between power cells and fusion generators. ave a look, feedback welcome, be honest if you like it or don't.

[EDIT] So I did another, and am just gonna add it to this update, the Take-A-Stand Munitions Bron-Z mg294 Heavy Blaster Pistol, aded to Weapons D6. Also, FYI, I answered the question(s) in the comments about the Landram for Battlestar Galactica. [EDIT] Had a thought or to, andwent back and tweaked the HARD-eR. FIre Rate, Damage, shots used per action, etc, should be easier to understand now.


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05/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A group of additions to the site today, from the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Unfinished Episode 6: A Distant Echo. Today I've added "The Bad Batch" themselves, Crosshair, Hunter, Tech & Wrecker to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.

        Because the Bad Batch have near superhuman abilities, I gave them each one stat of 6D which puts them already beyond most beings in D/6, but I also gave them special abilities to cover what has been shown in the episodes which isn't accounted for by just a high stat.


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03/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A bunch of updates today, all based on the subject of yesterdays review of, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Unfinished Episode 5: The Bad Batch. Today I've added,
Trench & CT-7567 Rex (as of the Clone Wars) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Baktoid Combat Automata OOM-series battle droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section, Anaxes to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section, the Havoc Marauder to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section and the Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc 773 Firepuncher Sniper rifle to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section of the Site.

        The version of Rex I've done isn't as highly skilled as the one submitted to the site before, but I've given him higher Tactics and Command skills, as I really think this is where Rex's skills lie. He's the tactics guy who makes the Jedi's ridiculous ideas work, plus the one who designs an algorithm that can counter all Republic tactics.

         It's also possible I've jumped the gun on doing the stats for the Havoc Marauder, as it's about to feature heavily in the next episodes, so may need revised as we see more, but we shall see.

         Finally, you may notice new links at the top of each page (except the front page), at the moment they just show random content, but in the future I hope to revise it to show more relevant content to the page you're looking at, I'm just trying to work out exactly how I'll do that and wanted to get the basic code done and uploaded.


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02/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

Warhammer Adventures

        Well, Games Workshop seems to be taking Warhammer more and more down towards the kids, probably reckoning that that's where the money is. They're releasing Warhammer Adventures, with cartoony characters on the cover and a target audience of 8-12 years old.

        Now, I can't speak for everyone, and I wasn't into Games Workshop stuff when I was 8-12 years old, but looking back, I did start reading White Dwarf Magazine (Games Workshops in house mag), when I saw 14, and it was the cool cover artwork, maps for dungeons and weird Sci-Fi stuff that drew me in. It was cool, and edgy, and totally different to anything I had read as a kid, it didn't look like cartoon artwork, it looked adult, and that's what I was trying to be at that age, grown up and edgy.

        I realise that most of the things I liked weren't kids things. Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Dungeons and Dragons, etc, were adult things which were kid friendly, not designed for kids at all. I didn't need a child to be captain of the Enterprise, it was enough that Kirk was a cool role model for me to want to grow up to be like.

        Anyway, Games Workshop says . . .

Warhammer Adventures is a series of action-packed stories about brave heroes battling monstrous enemies and winning great victories against impossible odds in the far future universe of Warhammer 40,000 and the fantasy realms of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

Warhammer Adventures stories are perfect for bookworms aged 8-12 who want to read about heroes, aliens and monsters. They’ll be in shops and online in 2019 – so keep your eyes open for them!

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01/June/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Just a couple of additions to the site today based on the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Unfinished Episode 4: The Big Bang. Today I've added Yoda (as of The Clone Wars) & Mace Windu (as of The Clone Wars) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
        Characters take me a bit longer than everything else to do, which is why I tend to avoid them when I can (because basically I'm lazy), but we're getting to the very last few episodes, so I'd really better get the important characters done. Usually when doing Characters from the Clone Wars, I tend to use existing stats as a starting point, but with both today I worked from scratch so I may have forgotten something the character did in an episode and haven't included the skill for, so if you spot anything that jumps out at you, give me a shout and I'll add it. Also I must note, another first for the site, as we've never had a version of Yoda on the site before.


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