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April/2019 UPDATES

30/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Well, we're back from our break, and we're back to the Marvel Star Wars series, and today we've got quite a bunch of additions to the site based on the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 64: Serphidian Eyes. Today we've added, Berl, Cinda Tarheel, Chahis, S-Shah & Elglih to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Serp to the Star Wars D/6 Species Section, & Serphidi to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section of the Site.

        There's a few changes coming, along with the addition of the Ugly Workshop and the upgrade to the Yt-Series Designer, most of the work is done, but we're just finishing off the details, so look out for it coming probably towards the end of the week.


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29/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Rifts

Rifts is a multi-genre role-playing game created by Kevin Siembieda in August 1990 and published continuously by Palladium Books since then. Rifts takes place in a post-apocalyptic future, deriving elements from cyberpunk, science fiction, fantasy, horror, western, mythology and many other genres.

Rifts serves as a cross-over environment for a variety of other Palladium games with different universes connected through "rifts" on Earth that lead to different spaces, times, and realities that Palladium calls the "Rifts Megaverse". Rifts describes itself as an "advanced" role-playing game and not an introduction for those new to the concept.

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Top Five: RPG's on the Atari ST

Retro RPG: De Profundis

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26/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

The Worrying Case of Rotten Tomatos and Resistance

        In late 2018 I was contacted and pointed towards some unusual activity on Rotten Tomatos concerning the Star Wars: Resistance Animated Series I was watching and reviewing.
        Here's the results of my investigation and some background information on the situation.

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23/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

Taking a break

        Since I finished working through season 1 of Resistance yesterday, I'm going to take a short break (maybe not even a week) to update other parts of the site.
        Mainly I'm going to spend the time finishing off the sequel to the Yt-Series designer, which is going to be an Ugly Workshop.
        See you in a few days.


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22/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Delta Green

        Delta Green is a setting for the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game created by Adam Scott Glancy, Dennis Detwiller, and John Scott Tynes, a.k.a. the Delta Green Partnership, of the Seattle gaming house Pagan Publishing. Delta Green is set in the contemporary era, revolving around a highly secretive organization known as Delta Green, tasked with protecting the United States from paranormal and alien threats. Delta Green takes the classic setting of the Cthulhu Mythos from Call of Cthulhu and mashes it with conspiracy fiction.

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22/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        And so we reach the end of Star Wars Resistance: Season 1, withEpisode 21: No Escape Part 2, and today we present The Colossus itself, which we've added to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.
        Because the Colossus is a Platform/Space Station for much of the season, and then revealed to be a Starship, so it doesn't really fit into any particular category easily. Also the population isn't really clarified anywhere, it seems to be a massive place, but could easily only have a population of a couple of hundred people, so any figures we've put in for size, crew, passengers, etc are all just guesses, and will probably be revised at some later time (or when official figures are released).


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21/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        So we've reached the second last episode of Star Wars Resistance: Season 1, Episode 20: No Escape Part 1, so only one more to do. Today we've added the First Order SCUBA trooper to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site. See you tomorrow.


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20/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Just one addition to the site today as we reach Star Wars Resistance: Season 1 Episode 19: Descent on our journey through the series. Today we've added Agent Tierny to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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19/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

The Slightly Strange Story of Sinclair, Atari & Commodore

        Just a little tale of the development of the Commodore Amiga, Atari ST and Atari Jaguar and how the teams involved were not necessarily those you would have thought.

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19/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Well we're only 4 episodes from the end of Star Wars Resistance: Season 1 with Episode 18: The Disappeared , and today we've added Lin Gaava to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.

        I'm considering whether I take another of my week long breaks after I finish Star Wars Resistance, as I'm working on the follow up to the CEC Yt-Designer, as well as a couple of other things, but I'll make that decision when I come to the end of the season, and I'll let you all know.


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18/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Just a couple of additions to the site today as we reach Episode 17: The Core Problem of Season 1 of Star Wars Resistance. Today we've added, First Order probe droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section, and Najra-Va to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section of the Site.


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17/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Well we've reached Episode 16: The New Trooper as we continue through Season 1 of Star Wars Resistance. Today we've added Takodana & Twon Ketee to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section of the Site.


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16/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Only one addition today, from Star Wars Resistance: Season 1 Episode 15: The First Order Occupation. Today we've added Rolt to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.

        All the hard work getting through everyone and everything in the first few episodes have paid off so days like today we're left searching for anyone or anything new in the episode which is worth adding to the site. I might as well enjoy the spare time, since soon enough we'll be back on the Marvel comics, where we get a totally new setting and story every few issues, so have loads to add.


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15/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Inquisitor

        Inquisitor was a tabletop miniatures game based in Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 (Warhammer 40K, or simply 40K) universe. Whereas the main line of Warhammer 40K games is based on squad based tactical warfare, Inquisitor focused on a small group of player characters akin to many role-playing games. Inquisitor miniatures are no longer produced by Games Workshop but, whilst they were, the game had its own website and 54 mm scale models were available as "Specialist Games" from the Games Workshop catalogue.

        Players choose a warband, typically made up of an Inquisitor and his/her henchmen, but also potentially led by any of a huge variety of characters from throughout the 40K universe's Imperium, such as Rogue Traders, Space Marines or Tech-priests. It also offers the chance for players to take on the guise of some of the Imperium's greatest enemies, such as Chaos Lords,The Demonic legions of Chaos, Genestealer Cult Leaders, or twisted Mutants.

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15/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        We're heading towards the end of the season now, reaching Episode 14: The Doza Dilemma as we work our way through Star Wars: Resistance Season 1. Today we've added The Galleon to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, and Valik to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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14/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        And we've reached Season 1 Episode 13: Dangerous Business as we continue through Star Wars: Resistance, and today we've added Al, GL-N & Teroj Kee to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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13/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Well, we've reached Season 1 Episode 12: Bibo of Star Wars: Resistance as we work our way through the series. And today we've added Frigosian to the Star Wars D/6 Races Section, and Rokkna to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section of the Site.

        Well we've made a few changes to the site over the past few days, having seemingly solved the resizing problems we've been having, and a few improvements which will allow changes coming in the next week or so.


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12/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

Top Five: RPGs on the Atari ST

        Welcome to this episode of RPGGamer Top 5's, and as part of our series on the top RPG's on each system, today we're going to be doing the top five RPG's on the Atari ST.
        The history of the Atari ST is an odd one, because although Atari had a long history in the computer and console market by the time of it's release, the ST came from a complete change in the company. The home computer and console division of Atari was losing against Commodore at this time, with the all conquering Commodore 64 ruling the home computer market, but the birth of the 16 bit era was fresh territory to be fought over. Atari had a secret weapon, a computer developed by an ex-Atari Team called the Amiga, but Commodore sniped the company from Atari leaving them without anything.
        However, at the same time, Jack Trameil, the CEO of Commodore and a survivor of the Nazi Concentration Camps found himself ousted from the company he'd founded. With money in his pocket, and a desire to re-enter the computer market he purchased the computer and console division of Atari from Warner Brothers, who retained the Arcade division. With him he brought many of the developers from Commodore who remained loyal to the man who'd built the company from nothing, and they developed a computer with a 16 bit external bus, but 32 bit internal, named the Sixteen/Thirty Two, or ST for short, although it's similarity to the Apple Macintosh, led to it jokingly being referred to at the Jackintosh when it was first displayed.
        The ST went from concept to production in less than a year, and was built around the same Motorola 68000 processor as the Amiga, the ST lacked many of the custom chips which made the Amiga so impressive, but the lower cost, and faster 8 mhz processor speed made it attractive to many, and it's MIDI capabilities led to it being a hit amongst music producers.
        During the early days of the two systems, the similarity of their architecture led to many games being developed with the ST in mind, and the Amiga receiving direct ports not taking advantage of it's larger colour palette or music capabilities. So many early games debuted on the ST before being ported to other systems, and the ST received many conversions from the proliferation of different systems which were around at the time. So many of the games which were first developed for the ST, such as Dungeon Master should actually be on this list, but the arbitary rules we've drawn up for these lists mean that we've already covered them on other lists, because that is where I first played them, so can't include them here. So for this list, we've tried to choose the most interesting games we played on the ST.

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12/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Well we're up to Episode 11: Station Theta Black of our journey through season one of Star Wars: Resistance. And today we finally see the fruits of our labour since we've now covered almost all of the main and returning cast of the show, so today we've only got Kazuda's father, Hamato Xiono to add to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and the hero ship itself, the Fireball to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.


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11/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        As we continue through Star Wars: Resistance episode by episode we've reached Episode 10: Secrets and Holograms, and I've decided to do the Ace's themselves (or at least the ones we've not done already). Today we've added, Hype Fazon, Freya Fenris, Griff Halloran & Bo Keevil to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and their fighters, Black Ace, Blue Ace, Green Ace, Red Ace & Yellow Ace to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.
        I've also gone through all the Resistance stats we've added this month and recategorised them, aligning them with the Colossus or with the Warbird Gang rather than just aligning them all independent. Obviously, I'd already aligned stats with the Resistance and First Order where applicable.


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10/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Continuing our journey through Star Wars: Resistance and we've reached Episode 9: The Platform Classic. So today we've added (and it's very character heavy), G1-7CH (Glitch), Glem, Grevel, Bolza Grool, Jooks, Nod & Marcus Speedstar to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and Jarek Yeagers racer to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.


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09/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Well, we've reached Episode 8: Synaras Score on our journey through Star Wars: Resistance, and today we've got a whole load of characters, with Drell, Skreek, Opeepit, Orka & Flix all being added to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.

        We've also had a bit of a play around with the design of the site, let us know what you think!


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08/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Menzoberranzan (AD&D 2nd Edition)

        The Menzoberranzan boxed set is for the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition, Forgotten Realms setting. It details the city of the same name which is the central setting of the Drizzt trilogy of books by R A Salvatore.
        It contains 3 books detailing the city, it's inhabitants and an adventure using the setting, as well as a large number of full colour maps and information sheets.

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08/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Only a few updates today, which will hopefully become the norm as we work our way through the series, todays additions are based on Episode 7: Signal from Sector Six. Today we've added Synara San & CB-23 to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and Kowakian ape-lizard to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section of the Site.


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07/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Our journey through Star Wars: Resistance continues and we've reached, Episode 6: The Children from Tehar. So today we've added, the Gorg to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section, Chelidae to the Star Wars D/6 Races Section, and Eila, Kel, Pyre & Aunt Z (ZVkThkrkza) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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06/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Working our way through the first season of Resistance, and we've reached, Episode 5: The High Tower. Today we've added Major Baron Elrik Vonreg, 4D-M1N & R4-G77 to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Speagull to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section, and Darius G-class freighter to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.


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05/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

Top Five: RPGs on Windows 95

        Hello and Welcome to this episode of RPGGamer Top 5s, and as part of our series on the top RPG's on each system, today we're going to be doing the top five RPG's on Windows 95.
        Windows 95 was released surprisingly enough in 1995, and was a leap forward in making PC's usable, and with the addition of Plug and Play technology, multitasking and Multimedia capabilities it's launch was a massive event. While MS-DOS seemed to users to just be a minor component of Windows 95, it was in fact the platform that the entire operating system was built on, and it was possible to stop the booting of the Graphical User Interface entirely in favour of the text interface of DOS. But the GUI, with the introduction of the Taskbar and Start button was revolutionary, and it set the desktop metaphor which Operating systems still follow to this day, with the removal of the Start Menu in Windows 8 proving to be a controversial one.
        During this era, 3d acceleration became standard, so games made the leap into massive 3d environments and games moved from being distributed on stacks of floppy disks to CD's, so fully acted dialogue became possible, taking RPG's into epic new territory.
        For this countdown, we're going to be including Windows 98 and Windows ME, as part of the Windows 95 era, basically everything up until the release of Windows XP. It was a period of massive improvements in gaming, and four of the games on this list I personally consider absolute classics, which I've returned to again and again, even repurchasing them on Steam to gain easy access to them in these days of optical medialess systems.

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05/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Trying to pace myself so I don't burn out on too many stats, so only three new additions today as we reach Episode 4: Fuel for the Fire. Today we've added Captain Imanuel Doza & Jace Rucklin to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and Jace Rucklins racer to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.


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04/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Continuing through Resistance, today we're doing Episode 3: The Triple Dark. We've added, Kragan Gorr, Torra Doza (Season 1), Bucket (R1-J5) & Tamara Ryvora (Season 1) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and Kragan Gorrs shuttle to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.


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03/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        So, this month (and it's probably going to take all month, we're going to be working our way through the first season of Star Wars: Resistance and providing Stat's for everything we can find. So today starting from Episodes 1+2: The Recruit, we've added Kazuda Xiono (Season 1), Jarek Yeager (Season 1) & Neeku Vozo (Season 1) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Otoga-222 maintenance droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section, Incom-FreiTek T-85 X-wing Starfighter & First Order TIE Interceptor to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, Sky ring to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section, and Castilon to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section.
        Now obviously the first episode, especially with it being a double episode had loads more to introduce, and I could have done all of the Ace's and their ships, and most of the characters on the station, but instead of killing myself today, I'll try to pace these over future days when there's not so much to add, so you may see things turning up connected to episodes they weren't actually in.


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02/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

Well we're a day adrift because of April Fools yesterday, but today we've added a bunch of stats based on the subject of Sundays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 63: The Mind Spider. Today we've added, Grotto (Imperial Stormtrooper), Turk (Imperial Stormtrooper) & Farlie (Imperial Cook) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Krakes Planet to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section, and Silicartha to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section of the Site.

        And with that we'll be taking a short break from the Marvel Comics while we catch up with Resistance.


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01/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Well, it's April the 1st, and while I can think of numerous ways I could prank people (eg, Photoshop Ezra and Thrawn into the style of Resistance, and claim that they're going to be discovered in the unknown regions next season, is the one that passed through my mind for a moment), but here we prefer to just let out our sillier side a little. So today we present some AstroMechs, the Rebel AstroMech Battle Unit we've added to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, R2-H8 (Darth Hate) {AstroMech Sith Lord} to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and the Wookiee-Buster AstroMech Armour to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section.
        Back to normality and our schedule tomorrow.


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01/April/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Wraith The Great War

        Wraith: The Great War is a historical setting developed for Wraith: The Oblivion, which is set during and immediately after World War I, published in 1999.
        Journey back to a time of aces and traitors, of lost souls wandering the Shadowlands a thousand miles from home. Wraith: The Great War takes you to an era of innocence newly slaughtered and unimaginable terror unleashed. From the heart of the Labyrinth to the killing fields of the Somme, from the skies above Stygia to the bootleggers' warehouses of Chicago, Wraith: The Great War opens a new chapter in the history of the World of Darkness, in the tradition of Vampire: The Dark Ages.
        Journey back in time and learn the secrets even the Deathlords are afraid to whisper - if you dare.

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All text, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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